  • 學位論文


Examining the Impact of Organizational Institutions on Customer Relationship Management Usage

指導教授 : 陳小芬


全球化使得企業之間的競爭越來越激烈,為了因應此全球化競爭及滿足顧客需求,再加上資訊科技與電子商務的蓬勃發展,企業體認到要在這競爭激烈的環境生存,一定要維持良好的顧客關係,因此,企業紛紛導入了顧客關係管理(Customer relationship management, CRM)系統。良好顧客關係的提升,已成為電子商務時代的生存關鍵,透過顧客關係管理系統,企業得以鞏固現有顧客、獲取新顧客,並增加顧客的利潤貢獻度,藉此建立長期互利的關係。 但是企業在導入顧客關係管理系統時,企業內部成員對於導入顧客關係管理系統的使用效益往往缺乏足夠的認知,因而造成顧客關係管理系統無法發揮最佳效用。為了讓顧客關係管理系統發揮它應有的效益,企業在導入顧客關係管理系統時,如何透過不同的組織制度及規範影響員工對顧客關係管理系統的認知及使用行為便相當重要。所以,本研究以Scott(1995)提出的組織制度理論做為參考,來探討企業導入顧客關係管理系統時,是否能藉由制度理論中的正式規定、認知及規範,讓顧客關係管理系統制度化,藉由制度化的過程進一步讓員工對顧客關係管理系統的價值觀及使用行為產生影響。 本研究結果顯示,企業中的制度規範及認知,會影響到顧客關係管理系統制度化的程度;另外,顧客關係管理系統的制度化程度越高,使用者使用系統的頻率、多樣性也就越高;而隨著使用者使用顧客關係管理系統的使用行為增加,企業的績效也會呈現正面的成長。所以,企業必須要重視組織中對顧客關係管理系統的規定,以及使用者對系統的認知及規範所帶來的影響,因為這些制度規範,不僅會影響到使用者對系統的接受度,更會對組織績效產生莫大的影響。 關鍵詞:顧客關係管理系統、制度、制度化過程、使用行為


For responding this globalization competition, satisfy customer need, and the advent of E-Commerce, the enterprise realizes maintaining good customer relationship in this kind of environments. Consequently, customer relationship management system has become the important issue of enterprises. CRM systems help enterprises maintain their customers, and understand customers need which in turn produce high profits. During the implementation of CRM system, the insufficient understanding of CRM system usage of employees makes the CRM cannot be elaborated of its best effort. In order to make CRM system shows its effect, it is important to shape the knowledge and usage behavior of employees via different organizational institutions. Therefore, this research refers to theory of institutions provided by Scott (1995), exploring the relationship between organizational institutions and user’s usage behavior of CRM system. Our research reveals that the organizational regulations and cognitions will affect the degree of institutionalization of CRM system. Besides, the higher degree of CRM system institutionalization resulted in higher use frequency and use diversity of users, which in turn lead to better organization performance. The research results show the importance of organizational institutions in CRM implementation. These organizational institutions not only affect the user acceptance of CRM system, but also affect greatly to the organization benefits. Key Words: Customer Relationship Management System, Institution, Institutionalization, Usage Behavior


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