  • 學位論文


Synthesis and electrochemical studies of ortho-substituted porphyrins

指導教授 : 蘇玉龍


本研究包含合成meso 位置上以nitrophenyl, aniline, 1,3-diphenylurea, nicotinanilide 取代的紫質,利用電化學和光譜電化學方法,瞭解不同鄰位取代基 和數目對紫質還原電位和其光譜變化的影響。 以循環伏安法及光譜電化學的觀察結果,可推斷aniline(推電子基) 的取代會使紫質環較難還原;nitrophenyl, 1,3-diphenylurea, nicotinanilide (拉電子基) 的取代會使紫質環較易還原。而隨著單取代變便為雙取代紫質時,電位移動的現象 也變的較為明顯。 並進一步以循環伏安法的研究結果,觀察還原H2(o-APurea)2(mesityl)2P 和 H2(o-APnic)2(mesityl)P 時,分子內氫鍵對紫質環節結構的影響。


We have synthesized free-base porphyrins with nitrophenyl, aniline,1,3-diphenylurea, and nicotinanilide on the meso-position successfully. The cyclic voltammetry and spectroelectrochemical studies have also been investigated. By cyclic voltammetry and spectroelectrochemistry studies, the electron-donatinggroup (aniline) would make the reduction potential of the porphyrin ring negatively. Oppositely, the electron-withdrawing group (nitrophenyl, 1,3-diphenylurea,nicotinanilide) made the reduction of the porphyrin positively. With the increasing ofthe meso-substituents, the substituent effect was obvious easily. The effect of internal hydrogen binding on the structure of free-base porphyrins(H2(o-APurea)2(mesityl)2P, H2(o-APnic)2(mesityl)P) also could be observed by Cyclic voltammetry.


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