  • 學位論文


Taiwan Tea Merchants’ Trade Expansion in Southeast Asia Under Japanese Colonial Rule

指導教授 : 王文岳


本文主要在探討日治時期臺灣籍民前往東南亞的貿易布局,其中,茶葉自清治以來的外銷一向為主要的貿易熱門物品。因此想透過日治時期的貿易布局鑑往知來,探看臺灣籍民在東南亞的外銷狀況。研究過程中分別以日本南進政策與包種茶為中心的貿易網探討臺灣籍民在東南亞的發展狀況。 在南進政策當中,透過日本政府的東南亞布局,對於臺灣籍民在東南亞的分佈有一定程度的影響,並透過南洋協會、日本政府投資、仕紳的協助讓臺灣籍民在南洋端發展,加上日本統治前的華人移民狀況的文化銜接性,形成了以印尼人口最多、再者於泰國、菲律賓、越南、馬來西亞的人口移民發展。然而,二戰爆發後的排日運動與臺灣籍民的自我認同下,臺灣籍民在各個國家的產業發展,皆會受到日本政府、當地華僑和當地政府的態度所左右,因此在實際人數的掌握仍有限制。 另外,在包種茶的貿易網中,隨著日治時期臺灣本島的近代化發展隨之影響讓臺灣的茶葉品質提高,並加上烏龍茶貿易的衰退,讓原本依附於中國外銷的茶葉貿易網在日治時期逐漸獨立、擴張,成為東南亞貿易的主要物品。日本政府也相當重視茶葉在東南亞的發展,因此與臺灣公會相輔相成,並約束下游的其他商人來穩定價格和品質控管,在1920年代造就了包種茶外銷的高峰。臺商與日本政府的關係也因此更加密切,日本政府利用台商在東南亞的開拓作為先鋒,達成南進政策的推動並給予臺商協助,而臺商也利用日本政府的後盾積極於東南亞開拓市場。但外銷的熱絡也隨著1930年代經濟大蕭條的影響、大宗出口國印尼本地包種茶的崛起、二次世界大戰下的衝擊,也讓包種茶在日治末期不再風光。 整體而言,臺灣的茶葉推廣雖然並非在日治時期,但在貿易上、品質改良上的大幅成長卻是在日本統治時期的二十世紀初期。透過日本政府的南進政策、臺灣本島的殖民現代化、加上臺灣籍民在東南亞的商業發展與努力之下,形成了包種茶貿易的黃金時期。而面對到1930年代的經濟蕭條和戰爭壓力,也並未看到臺灣籍民就此放棄東南亞市場,隨著博覽會的舉辦和宣傳,無論結果好壞有限,仍然可以看到他們在東南亞發展過程中的努力與轉變。 從過往的發展來看,臺灣籍民的海外發展,受到日本政府的政策和華僑分布影響,並隨著臺灣本島的經濟發展在東南亞社會拓展出一片天地,雖然在當中也陸續碰到外在環境的問題,卻也努力地找出突破貿易困難的契機,他們尋找新的拓展姓、願意嘗試與開放的心態,是今日臺灣與東南亞在互動之時的良好借鏡。


This thesis mainly discusses the expansion of tea trade of Taiwanese merchants into Southeast Asia during the period of under Japanese colonial rule. Since Qing Dynasty, tea has been the major item of trade. By exploring the trade activities, Taiwanese merchants under Japanese colonial rule,demonstrates unique pattern to interact between the colonial state and Southeast Asian colonial regimes. Trade networks of Pouchong tea in Southeast Asia in Japan's South Expansion Doctrine are the main subjects to explore.. The South Expansion Doctrine, through promoted by the Japanese Imperial Government, maintains a special status for Taiwanese merchants to venture into Southeast Asia. The South Seas Society, the Japanese government investment, the assistance of the Gentry to enable the development of Taiwanese people in the Southern End, coupled with the cultural convergence of the situation of Chinese immigrants before under Japanese colonial rule, formed the largest population of Indonesia. In Thailand, the Philippines, Vietnam, Malaysia, the development of population migration. However, after the outbreak of The Great East Asia War, the Komika/Japanization movement and the self-identification of Taiwanese citizens, the industrial development of Taiwanese people in various countries will be influenced by the attitude of the Japanese government, local overseas Chinese and local governments, so there are still limits to the actual number of people. In addition, in the trade network of Pouchong tea, under Japanese colonial rule, the modernization of Taiwan's island with the impact of the quality of Taiwan's tea, coupled with the decline of the Oolong tea trade, so that the trade network which dependence on China’s export tea is gradually expansion in the Japanese colonial rule, becoming the main items of Southeast Asian trade. Japanese Government paid attention to the development of tea in Southeast Asia, so it complemented the Taiwanese Guild and constrained other downstream merchants to stabilize prices and quality control, creating a peak in the export of package tea in the 1920s. The relationship between Taiwanese merchants and the Japanese government is therefore getting closer, the Japanese government has used Taiwanese merchants relationship in Southeast Asia as a leverage to promote the South Expansion Doctrine and give assistance to Taiwanese merchants, and Taiwan merchants also utilize the support of the Japanese Imperial government to actively explore the market in Southeast Asia. But the boom in export strains also followed the impact of the Great Depression of the 1930s, the rise of the Indonesian native tea, and the impact of World War II, which also made the tea no longer beautiful at the end of the day. In spite that Taiwan's tea promotion was not beginning from the Japanese colonial rule, but improvement of tea quality and drastical growth of trade was in the early 20th century. A golden period of Pouchong tea trade was formed by the Japanese government’s South Expansion Doctrine, the colonial modernization of Taiwan ,and efforts of Taiwanese citizens in Southeast Asia. In the face of the economic depression and the pressure of war in 1930s, Taiwan’s citizens didn’t give up the market in the Southeast Asia. With the promotion of the Expo, no matter what the result could be, they still try to change and to expand in Southeast Asia. From the perspective of past development pattern, Taiwanese citizens have developed overseas market and are affected by government policies and the distribution of overseas Chinese. With the economic development of domestic market, Taiwanese merchants strive to expand in Southeast Asia society. Although it has encountered external challenge , Taiwanese merchants has tried to find an opportunity to break through trade difficulties. They are looking for new expansion and willingness to try and open their minds. Nowadays Taiwan could also learn from the history when interacting with Southeast Asia.


