  • 學位論文


An Evaluation of the Implementation of Bookstart Programs in Taichung County

指導教授 : 孫同文


論 文 摘 要 全球環境的急遽變動引發了社會種種混亂的現象,因此突顯出家庭教育以及培育後代成長的重要性。歐美各國(特別是英國)有許多推動幼齡兒童閱讀的經驗,引起國內重視幼兒教育團體或政府的關注,例如信誼基金會就積極地把國外Bookstart計畫引進台灣。台中縣是台灣推動Bookstart計畫的首創地,於民國92年(2003)起,率先透過轄內鄉鎮市立圖書館(以下簡稱鄉鎮圖書館),由每年1-2個計畫試辦點的「閱讀起跑線」開始,在短短六年內成為國內第一個自發性,轄內21個鄉鎮市全數參與推動Bookstart計畫的縣(市)。由於成績斐然,教育部已於民國98年度起,在全國各鄉鎮圖書館推動是項計畫。 本研究主要是從政策執行的面向切入,探討台中縣執行Bookstart的歷程,深入評估其執行成效,側重於剖析執行單位之執行困境、影響計畫執行與執行成效的因素、以及持續推動計畫和提高執行成效的方案。本研究的討論集中於鄉鎮圖書館內部組織資源、外部環境因素、上級政府和非營利組織這三個面向,對於Bookstart計畫執行成效的影響;研究方法採深度訪談法,以立意取樣,擇選台中縣八個鄉鎮圖書館館長、縣文化局計畫承辦課員,以及配合文化局推動Bookstart計畫的信誼基金會主管為訪談對象。 本研究發現鄉鎮圖書館的執行困境大多涉及組織內部資源條件,又以組織人員為關鍵性因素;而組織外在環境結構特性中,亦以「人」的觀念與態度為影響計畫執行成效的最重要因素;活動設計規劃的妥適性為Bookstart執行成效的關鍵,然組織內外資源條件的優劣,限縮了各館活動設計規劃能力和執行成效;從組織外在環境結構而言,所謂的「妥適性」意指活動設計應考量因地制宜與涵蓋民眾如何被說服、被教育,民眾透過活動參與才能擴大執行的成效。 本文對於鄉鎮圖書館的政策建議包括:1.積極主動與首長溝通;2.廣結社區資源與運用;3.積極加強宣導;4.開設親子共讀學習課程;5.充實嬰幼兒讀物與推薦閱讀;6.活動規劃應考量Bookstart精神內涵。對於縣文化局的建議為:1.結合各項資源擴大宣傳;2.籌組培訓縣級師資志工團;3.加強輔導機制;4.重視Bookstart的核心價值;5.人力、經費、資源整合提供;6.改善邀請卡信封設。對於教育部的建議則是:1.認清Bookstart的意涵;2.持續與信誼及其他幼教專業團體多元結盟;3.協助各鄉鎮圖書館體質改善。


Abstract Drastic changes of global environment have caused many chaotic phenomena. Consequentially, the importance of family education and developing skills for the next generation has increasingly been recognized by many European countries (especially the United Kingdom). Their positive experiences of promoting reading experience for the children have drawn the attention from the Hsin-Yi Foundation to introducing the Bookstart Programs to Taiwan, and Taichung County is the first local government in Taiwan to implement the program through its various township or town libraries. Since 2003, Bookstart program has been steady expanded, and all 21 town and city libraries in Taichung County have participated nowadays. Starting from 2009, the Ministry of Education has decided to promote the Bookstart program as a national policy. From the public policy perspective, this thesis examines the implementation of the Bookstart Program in Taichung County by emphasizing the paradox of implementation, factors affecting the implementation, and the potential solutions for ensuring the continuity of the program in the future. It is proposed to examine the Bookstart program by looking at the influences of internal resources, external environmental factors, and higher level of government and Non-profit organization (Hsin-Yi Foundation) on its implementation. This study utilizes in-depth interviews for collecting first-hand information, the interviewees include eight township/town librarians, one official from the County Cultural Center, and one member of the Hsin-Yi Foundation. This research reveals that the difficulties of implementation usually involve the conditions of internal resources and external conditions, particularly the human aspects are the key factors. The appropriateness of the program design plays a key role in the effectiveness of the program implementation, however, the capacity of program design is constrained and the effectiveness of the program is limited by the level of internal and external resources. Here, “appropriateness” means that the program design has to include the concerns of specific sites and the ways through which citizens can be convinced and educated in order to expand the participation of the potential recipients of the program. For improving the effectiveness of the Bookstart program, there are policy recommendations made for township/town librarians, County Cultural Center, and the Ministry of Education respectively. For the township/town librarians, it is recommended to communicate with the higher government more actively; to better utilize community resources; to promote the program more actively; to design a program for parents and children to read together; to enrich reading materials and book list for infants and parents; and to consider the spiritual contexts of Bookstart Program. To the County Cultural Center, it is recommended to gather all kinds of resources and to expand publicity; to provide better training for volunteer groups of county teachers; to enhance the counseling system; to appreciate the core value of Bookstart; to combine people, money and resources; and to improve the design of the invitation envelopes. As for the advices given to the Ministry of Education include: to acknowledge the meaning of Bookstart; to cooperate with Hsin-yi Foundation and other similar associations of children education constantly; and to help every library to improve its organizational resources.


王淑娟譯,2004,《3歲,真的定終身嗎?:從早期大腦發展看孩子的學習關鍵期》,台北市:信誼基金。譯自 J.T. Bruer.


