  • 學位論文


Development of Jkopay

指導教授 : 吳淑貞


隨著網路的日漸發達、智慧型手機的普及,讓過去的消費習慣漸漸被取代,行動支付成了很多人的新選擇,如雨後春筍般出現的行動支付多得讓消費者無從選擇,如何讓消費者願意使用街口支付、了解使用街口支付之因素並給予相關之建議,將是本研究之研究重點。   本研究經參考文獻探討後歸納並建立出研究架構,分為四個構面:「認知有用」、「認知易用」、「使用態度」、「信任」和個人基本資料:「性別」、「年齡」、「學歷」、「職業」、「收入」共九個部份,來探討消費者是否使用街口支付,並了解其影響消費者是否使用街口支付之變數。   本研究透過網路問卷調查進行分析,回收之有效問卷為268份,所有欄位皆設為必填欄位,所以回收率為100%,利用E-Views進行單根檢定和簡單迴歸分析,將分析結果整理後給予街口支付未來發展之建議。


With the development of the Internet and the popularization of smart phones, the past consumption habits have gradually been replaced. Mobile payment has become a new choice for many people. As a result, mobile payment has sprung up so that consumers have no choice. How to make Consumers' willingness to use Jkopay, understanding the factors of using Jkopay, and giving relevant suggestions will be the focus of this research.   This research is summarized and established after the Literature Review. It is divided into four aspects: " Perceived Usefulness", " Perceived Ease of Use","Attitude Toward Using", " Trust" and basic personal information: "Gender","Age","Education", "Occupation", and "Income" are a total of nine parts to explore consumers'willingness to use Jkopay and understand the variables that affect their willingness to use.   This research was analyzed through an online questionnaire survey. The effective questionnaires recovered were 268. All fields were set as required fields, so the recovery rate was 100%. E-Views were used for single root test and simple regression analysis. After the analysis results are sorted out, suggestions for future development of Jkopay are given.


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