  • 學位論文


The study of business model of mobile payment about NFC credit card

指導教授 : 陳炫碩


摘  要 近幾年來,隨著科技不斷創新,支付工具也呈現多樣的面貌。對習慣使用信用卡的消費者而言,智慧型手機問市後,以信用卡結合手機之新型態支付工具不僅在全球主要國家迅速地展開,也意味行動支付的發展已邁向新的里程碑。 本論文主要探討手機信用卡產業的商業模式,並以台灣手機信用卡產業為研究對象。本研究採用質性研究方法,透過次級資料蒐集、整理及分析,並結合國外應用實例進行比較,發現近距離通訊NFC(Near Field Communication)技術在手機信用卡的應用是電信業者及手機製造商未來願意投入研發的新領域,尤其安全儲存媒介的存放位置,更會影響消費者的使用意願。 此外,與國內手機信用卡相關業者,包括金融業者、電信業者及晶片製造商就市場環境、應用服務及資訊安全等面向進行深度訪談。藉由專家意見及實務經驗,深入了解目前金融與電信跨產業面臨的問題及可能的因應對策,以供國內業者未來進入手機信用卡市場擬定策略及商業運轉之參考。 最後,依據價值網分析模型及商業模式之系統性架構等理論基礎,從核心及執行二構面,針對環境、價值命題、資源與能力、價值網絡及顧客實際價值等六要素進行分析,其研究結論如下: 1. NFC手機將成為未來手機信用卡之主流產品。 2. 金融與電信產業內的價值網成員具備多重角色且為互利依存的互補者。 3. 台灣手機信用卡產業的商業模式未來將朝以金融業者為中心、以電信業者為中心及金融業者與電信業者聯盟等三種型態發展。


ABSTRACT In recent years, the tools of payment play variety roles in different ways, as technology keeps innovating. For consumers in favor of using credit cards, paying tools combined with mobile phones through credit cards not only explode rapidly worldwide, but also mean the development of mobile payment goes to a brand-new milestone. This study focuses on the business model of NFC credit card industry, which is based on the NFC credit card of Taiwan industries. Use qualitative research methods through the research, synthesis, analysis of secondary data, in order to compare with international cases further, which is found, the application of NFC technology is worth to be invested in the future. This new field of research and development affects the use of intention from consumers, especially the security element of storage media. Moreover, proceed in-depth interviews about market environment, application service and information security of cell-phone credit card with banking experts, telecom specialists and chip manufacturers, to understand the current issues and strategies between the industries of finance and telecom through these professional opinions and practical experience and also be as a reference for domestic entrepreneurs. In conclusion of practical experience above, this study carries out the analysis on the six elements of Environment, Value Proposition, Resource and Capacity, Value Network, and Real Value of Consumers etc. from core to execution, according to the analysis model of value network and system structure of business model etc.. The results of study are summarized briefly as follows: 1. NFC will be a leading product of NFC credit card in the following years. 2. The members in the industries of finance and telecommunication play multiple and complementary roles with mutual benefit. 3. The business model of NFC credit card in Taiwan will go three different types in the future, which is going to centralized in the entrepreneurs of finance, telecom and alliance between finance and telecommunication.


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