  • 學位論文


A Study of Mobile Micropayment

指導教授 : 薛夙珍


現金儲值卡是一種快速且便利的付費工具,利用現金儲值卡來做消費能有效地縮短傳統現金交易所需花費的時間成本。由於儲值卡的廣泛利用且牽扯到金錢,相關的安全議題更引起關注與研究。目前現金儲值卡並無提供身份識別,可能會衍生出匿名盜用的問題,也因為儲值卡的不具身份識別,使用者在卡片遺失之時,要重新取回卡片是困難的;除此之外,現金儲值卡並沒有辦法偵測商家是否惡意的扣款,因此消費者往往處於一種被動的狀態,是一種不平衡的交易行為。本論文希望透過行動裝置具有身份識別的特性來達到解決卡片復原之問題,並藉由行動裝置的特性提出兩個轉傳機制。近年來,行動設備技術的快速成長,以往為人所詬病與研究瓶頸的計算能力、耗電量以及儲存容量的問題,已經漸漸的改善,伴隨著行動無線網路的成熟,利用行動裝置的可能性也相對的提高不少。 本論文結合現金儲值卡與行動裝置的特性,提出一個相對安全的行動儲值卡付款系統。利用兩個赫序函數產生出的Hash Chain組合成一個Hash Table,達到快速驗證商家的可靠性,防止商家惡意的扣款。協定中,為確保身份識別,除了利用每個行動設備上的國際移動裝置辨識碼外,還利用使用者產生的密碼來防止匿名盜用。此外,本論文提出的協定也提供兩個復原機制與兩個轉傳機制。 在錯誤復原協定中,遺失復原協定的設計,可以讓行動用戶透過當初所產生的秘密值去要求重新建立該儲值卡;扣款錯誤復原協定的設計,讓使用者在扣款錯誤發生時,能夠透過系統產生的一個錯誤值(error)向商家或金融機構要求贖款的動作。 在轉傳的協定中,卡片所有權轉移協定能夠提供使用者在卡片記名的方式下授權給其它使用者進行消費之行為;基於人與人之間的現金轉移協定(person to person),能改善現行儲值卡中僅能適用於B2C的環境下的限制,使用者能透過本協定可以直接做人與人之間的交易行為。 本論文針對現行的儲值卡的缺點與特性,設計一個具有儲值卡特性且改善其缺點的付款系統,希望透過本論文的設計,能提升使用者使用儲值卡的接受度與意願性,並結合行動裝置之特性,達到一個具復原與移轉功能的行動儲值卡。


Nowadays, the use of stored value cards has increased considerably, and they are now used almost every where. Stored value cards are a convenient and quick instrument. However, there some security issues have been attention related to the use of the stored value cards that cannot be overlooked and are now being studied extensively. Stored value cards have no information about the identity of the owner; therefore, frauds due to the anonymity of the user are a concern. In this research, we have proposed a new mobile payment system using stored value cards integrated the mobile device. We use two hash functions to construct a hash table that can improve the security of a stored value card and to utilize the capabilities of currently available mobile devices today. We have also proposed two recovery protocols that can be used to address the issues of lost cards and debit mistake by using two hash chains will be show in this research. Besides, we have considered the flexibility of the stored valued card. We proposed two other transfer protocols to extend the usages of the stored valued card. The mobile user can using the protocol to transfer the ownership of stored valued card by ownership transfer protocol. The other one is a method based person to person to transfer the money This research has proposed a new mobile payment system integrated the mobile device, which can meliorate the disadvantage of traditional stored valued card and have two characteristics to increase the feasibility.


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