  • 學位論文

南投縣原住民部落社區大學之成人參與 學習動機與文化認同關係之研究

A study on the relationships between learning motivation and cultural identity of aboriginal adults of tribal community colleges in Nantou County

指導教授 : 賴弘基


本研究旨在探討南投縣原住民成人參與原住民部落社區大學學習動機與文化認同之關係。研究的目的有三項:分別為為瞭解原住民學員參與原住民部落大學動機取向及文化認同之現況為何;探討不同背景變項的原住民學員在學習動機、文化認同之差異情形及分析原住民學員學習動機與文化認同之關係等三項。 研究主要採用問卷調查法。問卷內容包含基本背景資料、學習動機量表、文化認同量表。研究以參加台灣原住民部落社區大學的成人原住民,參加台灣原住民部落社區大學所辦理過之各項成人教育活動的學員,為研究之對象。取樣共500份,回收445份,有效問卷回收445份,有效樣本回收率100%。所得問卷以SPSS 12.0軟體,進行次數分配與百分比統計、平均數分析、t 考驗與單變量分析(ANOVA)、皮爾遜積差相關分析。 根據文獻探討、問卷調查分析與討論,本研究共獲致以下各項結論: 綜合以上之研究發現,本研究共獲得五項結論,茲分別說明如下: 一、參與南投縣原住民部落社區大學之於原住民學員個人背景資料特性:以女性居多,年齡多在40~49歲之間,大多具有國中以上的教育程度,職業以從無工作者居多,中低以下收入,,大多已婚,以布農族、賽德克族等族群為最多,且多居住於部落中。 二、參與南投縣原住民部落社區大學之於原住民學員的學習動機之現況,屬於中上程度,參與者以「社會服務」取向為學習動機的因素為最高;而文化認同屬於中高程度,尤以「文化歸屬」認同層面最高。 三、參與南投縣原住民部社大之原住民學員之學習動機,會因不同個人背景變項而有顯著差異。 四、參與南投縣原住民部落社區大學之原住民學員之文化認同,會因部分不同個人背景變項而有顯著差異。 五、參與南投縣原住民部落社區大學學員在學習動機與文化認同呈顯著正相關,其中以社會服務與文化歸屬相關係數為最高。 本研究依據研究結果,分別針對原住民學員、辦理原住民部落社區大學學校機關、有關教育研究單位及未來研究方向等四方面,提出建議。


In this study, our research objectives are the relationship between the motivation and cultural identity in aboriginal adults involved in aboriginal tribal community college learning. Three aims of my study are analysis and understand what are the causes motivation of aboriginal students to participate in the orientation of the aboriginal tribes college and the current status of the cultural identity; investigate the causes and the differences of cultural identity of different background variables Aboriginal students; analysis of the relationship between Aboriginal students to studying causes and cultural identity. This study investigates with questionnaire. The questionnaire contains basic background information, Learning Motivation Scale, and Cultural Identity Scale. The participants in this study were the adult aborigines who have participated in Taiwan's aboriginal tribes Community College and handled all the participants of adult education activities in the university. And the usable questionnaires were 445 returned from 500 received, with 100% valid return rate. Questionnaire data were analyzed by SPSS 12.0. The statistic methods included frequency distribution and Percentage statistics, Mean analysis T test, One-Way ANOVA, Pearson product moment correlation. The conclusions obtained from this study as follows: 1. The characteristics of the personal background information of indigenous students who involved in the Nantou County Native, community college: Most are female, and their age between the ages of 40 to 49. Besides, most of them have more than at least a junior level of education and have less work experiences with the lower income. And, most are married. Most are Bunun, Seediq ethnic, and living in the tribe. 2. The current situation of Aboriginal students’ motivation who participated in the University of Indigenous Tribal Communities in Nantou County are above Median level. Participants mostly due to the orientation of “social service” are the highest motivation factors. In addition, on the present state of cultural identity is belonging to a high level. The participants agree that "cultural ownership" most. 3. The Aboriginal students’ motivation who participated in the University of Indigenous Tribal Communities in Nantou County would have significant differences due to personal background variables. 4. The Aboriginal students’ cultural identity. who participated in the University of indigenous tribal communities in Nantou County would have significant differences due to personal background variables. 5. Students in learning motivation and cultural identity who involved in Nantou County aboriginal Tribes University was significantly correlated Based on the findings in this study, according to Aboriginal students, handle the Aboriginal school authorities, the relevant units of government education and future research are proposed.




劉昱辰(2017)。社會支持、學習動機對數位學習滿意度相關之研究- 企業員工使用數位學習為例〔碩士論文,淡江大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6846/TKU.2017.00753
