  • 學位論文


The Study of Supervisory Intentions and Response Modes in the Circulation Model of Counseling Supervision Process

指導教授 : 蕭文


督導進行督導工作,為回應受督者、協助受督者提高對諮商現象的敏感度,引導受督者探索個案問題等,研究者認為關鍵在於督導意圖和督導反應模式,即了解督導之督導意圖和反應模式,對於理解督導工作的運行很有幫助。於是本研究採用符合探討督導歷程的循環督導模式,分析督導意圖和督導反應模式的發生與類別。 本研究分為前導性研究與正式督導兩個階段,研究者共整理九份督導歷程和九份督導訪談的文本資料,先了解督導歷程中督導與受督者所覺知的諮商現象,並以循環督導模式三個同心圓五步驟的循環機制為架構,進一步探討每步驟脈絡中督導意圖和督導反應模式發生之型態。研究者發現督導在循環督導模式中的每一步驟,依循其主要工作任務而發展出不同的督導意圖,進而以不同的督導反應模式進行督導介入,引發受督者的覺察或諮商策略的調整。 本研究發現,根據循環督導模式的脈絡進展,督導意圖多由第一步驟逐漸深入至第五步驟,然而,步驟的進展並非總是依序出現,而會來回循環變動,甚至依督導與受督者針對諮商現象討論的完整度而產生次循環圈;九次督導歷程中主循環圈共歸納十四種類別的督導意圖,包括:形成有關個案之圖像、釐清諮商重點、覺察諮商關係對理解個案之影響、督導歷程中覺察受督者個人議題、了解受督者的諮商策略和介入技巧、探討受督者諮商策略的介入和個案的反應模式之連結性、督導透過教導或示範等方式擴大受督者諮商策略的框架、依照理論與專業知識提升對個案的了解、形成個案問題之假設、藉由個案概念化的形成,引導受督者重新擬定具體的諮商技巧或策略、類化學習經驗到其它相關議題或未來相似情境、重新建構對個案的理解、引導預想諮商策略對個案之影響,並對未來之諮商發展作準備、後續諮商方向之再擬定和提醒注意事項;另發生十一種次循環圈的督導意圖,次循環圈皆出現於前四步驟中;循環督導模式的督導反應模式以發問句型中開放式問句最多、反映和解釋性介入為輔、指導性和提供資訊佔第三、語句簡短為主。


Supervision is an important part of the counseling profession. Many factors come into play in the supervisory process. The study applies the interpersonal process recall (IPR) and the depth interview approach, with 9 supervisory process and 9 textual interviews, with 4 supervisees and 3 supervisors as the subjects, with the supervisors having either learned or applied the circulation model of counseling supervision before. The study explores the supervisory intentions and supervisory reaction modes, in order to integrate and enrich the circulation model of counseling supervision. The Study finds that the supervisory intentions are gradually deepened from the first step to the fifth step of the circulation model; however, it does not always appear in order, sometimes changes, and the occurrence of sub-circulations. The steps will vary depending on the counseling phenomenon, supervisory intentions, and supervisory reaction modes. In general, in the 9 supervision process, the main circulation is sorted out 14 categories of supervisory intentions; and 11 intentional types of sub-circulations, all the sub-circulations are in the first four steps of the circulation model. Based on the circulation model of counseling supervision, the study also finds that the open question of the supervisory response mode has the highest occurrence, the second is to reflect and explain intervention, guidance and provide information is the third.


一、 中文部分
