  • 學位論文


Exploring the Impacts of Written Scaffolds on Seventh Graders’ Scientific Explanation Skills

指導教授 : 吳心楷




The purpose of this study is to explore the impacts of written scaffolds on the development of seventh graders’ scientific explanation skills. The data were collected from 87 seventh graders in three classes at a public junior high school. During 5 weeks, each class received one of the treatments: (1) continuous scaffolds involving detailed written instructional support on the worksheets in all three activities, (2) scaffolds faded in the third activity, and (3) scaffolds faded in the second and third activities. In addition, this study investigates four types of explanation skills in terms of students’ skills to differentiate the variables, to make a claim, to discover the evidences, and to describe the reasoning process. The results show that, first, the skills to discover the evidences and to describe the reasoning process were difficult to seventh-grade students. Some students could not use data as evidence to support their claims and usually explained the scientific events on the basis of their individual intuitive experiences. Second, analyses showed that the class with continuous scaffolds developed more competent explanation skills compared to the classes with faded scaffolding. Among the different achievement groups, middle achieving group improved the most in the skill to describe the reasoning process. Finally, the results also revealed that the students’ conceptual understanding was related to their learning of scientific explanations.


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