  • 學位論文


UsingScience News to Develop Ninth Grade Students' Explaining Practices

指導教授 : 吳心楷


科學解釋實務是K-12教室中八大科學實務重要的一環。發展國中生的科學解釋實務有助於培養他們未來生活所應具備的能力,提供國中生面對科學新聞的學習機會,可能有益於增進他們社會參與所應擁有的素養。故本研究設計一個以「改編的」科學新聞為教材的「辨識(Recognize)-評價(Evaluate)-建構(Construct)」教學模式(簡稱REC教學模式),讓學生進行科學解釋的辨識、評價與建構,藉以發展學生科學解釋的相關實務。 本研究採用混合研究法中的嵌入式設計,參與者是來自新北市某所國中的50位九年級國中學生,以科學解釋評量作為前後測,將科學新聞搭配教學活動製作成學習單,探討REC教學前後,學生科學解釋實務的發展與轉變。本研究並蒐集學生國文科與自然科學業成就,以預測科學解釋實務的後測表現。此外,挑選17位焦點學生進行前後訪談,欲了解科學解釋中評價標準對於科學新聞的品質判準之影響。 由研究結果可知,科學解釋的辨識、評價與建構實務在經過教學後皆有所進步,而由學生作答的分析,也同樣發現學生科學解釋實務的增長,並往正確辨識、使用評價標準及高程度品質的科學解釋之趨勢移動。而國文科學業成就對於科學解釋三項實務具有預測力,但自然科學業成就則無。科學解釋實務之發展受到情境與成分的影響,推理是最難學習的成分,主張則是最容易學習的成分;而科學新聞情境較為複雜,因而較難以學習。然而由量化與質性結果發現學生能夠將評價標準應用至科學新聞的品質判準上,顯示只要學生對於科學解釋實務的理解足夠時,便可能在跨情境的情形下進行科學解釋的實務。 綜合上述結果,REC教學模式確實能有效協助國中學生發展科學解釋的實務,亦能使學生將評價標準應用至科學新聞中。結果亦顯示科學解釋實務與語文學業成就的密切關係。期望本研究的教學設計與研究結果,能提供教學者與研究者一個設計之參考。


Constructing scientific explanations and understanding science news are important parts of scientific literacy. This study thus designed a teaching model -Recognize, Evaluate, Construct (referred as the REC Model) to develop an instructional unit, and used adapted science news as materials to develop students' practices of scientific explanation. Fifty ninth graders participated in this study and multiple sources of data were collected including the pre- and post-tests of explaining practices and students’ science and Chinese language achievement tests in order to find out the variables that affected students’ performances in explanation post-test. 17 students were interviewed to examine whether and how they applied the evaluation criteria of scientific explanations to evaluate the quality of science news. The results showed that students’ practices of scientific explanation significantly improved after the instructional unit; students were more able to accurately identify explanations and apply the evaluation criteria to evaluate explanations. Additionally, students’ Chinese language achievement had predictive power on students’ post-test, but their science achievement did not. Finally, after the instructional unit, students could apply the evaluation criteria to different contexts, including using the criteria to evaluate the quality of science news. Together, the results suggest variables that affected students’ performances on constructing, evaluating, and identifying science explanations. Also, this study indicates that REC Teaching Model indeed effectively supported students’ development of explaining practices. The results provide insight into the design of effective instruction and the development of science practices.


吳佳蓮(2005)。科學探究活動中國小五年級學童科學解釋能力及認識論之研究. 臺灣師範大學科學教育研究所碩士論文,未出版,台北市。
