  • 學位論文


A Study on the Degree of Satisfaction of Parents and Teachers about the Itinerant Services for the Visual Impairments Students of Elementary Schools

指導教授 : 杞昭安


本研究旨在探討視障兒童的家長與級任教師對巡迴輔導服務的滿意程度。以自編「視障巡迴輔導服務滿意度之調查問卷」為研究工具,以台灣地區國小普通班的視障兒童之家長與級任教師為對象。回收家長有效問卷83份,教師有效問卷81份。所得資料以次數分配、平均數、百分比等方法進行分析。歸納本研究的結果如下: 一、視障兒童家長與級任教師對巡迴輔導服務的滿意度皆是趨於「滿意」的程度,且對「安置與評量」向度的滿意度最高。 二、不同家長背景變項中,女性滿意度高於男性;國小教育程度的家長滿意度最高,研究所滿意度最低;1年內參加學校舉辦的座談會或IEP會議次數,以3-4次的滿意度最高,從未參加的滿意度最低。 三、不同級任教師背景變項中,男性滿意度高於女性;任教年資21年以上的滿意度最高,6-10年的滿意度最低;特教專業背景是「有修習特教三學分或特教研習達54小時以上」的滿意度最高,特教學分班的滿意度最低;教導視障兒童經驗4年以上的滿意度最高,1年內的滿意度最低;擔任視障兒童級任教師原因是「其他」的滿意度最高,「依照輪序」的滿意度最低。 四、不論視障兒童的性別為何,家長的滿意度皆高 於級任教師。具有下列背景變項的視障兒童,家長的滿意度高於級任教師,包括中、高年級;輕度、中度、重度;接受巡迴輔導時間1年內、3年以上;每週無輔導時數;接受抽離、外加、協同教學輔導方式。 五、具有下列背景變項的視障兒童,級任教師的滿意度高於家長,包括低年級;以視障為主之多重障礙;接受巡迴輔導時間1-2年;每週接受輔導時數1-2小時、3-4小時、5小時以上;接受二種以上輔導方式。 根據研究結果提出建議,作為教育行政機關、學校當局、視障巡迴輔導教師、家長、級任教師以及未來研究之參考。


A Study on the Degree of Satisfaction of Parents and Teachers about the Itinerant Services for the Visual Impairments Students of Elementary Schools Shiu Ping Chan Abstract The main purpose of this study focused on the degree of satisfaction of parents and teachers about the itinerant services for the visual impairments elementary students. This study was according to the self-developed questionnaire, “Questionnaire of the Degree of Satisfaction about the itinerant service for the visual impairments,” was used to collect data. Samples of this study were parents and teachers that having students with visual impairments in regular class of elementary school in Taiwan. The valid questionnaires of parents were 83, and the teachers were 81. The data was collected and analyzed by frequency distribution, mean and percentage ways. The results were summarized as follows: 1. The degree of satisfaction of teachers and parents about itinerant service for the visual impaired students tended to "satisfaction", and both agreed with the “placement and assessment” dimension, which reached to the highest average. 2. Among the parents with different backgrounds, the feminine degree of satisfaction was higher than the male’s. The parents of elementary educational levels acquired the highest degree of satisfaction; however the parents of the research institute acquired the lowest degree of satisfaction. Parents participated in symposiums or IEP conferences for 3-4 times acquired the highest degree of satisfaction, but those who never participated in any conferences acquired the lowest degree of satisfaction. 3. Among the teachers with different backgrounds, the male degree of satisfaction was higher than the feminine’s. Teachers had taught for more than 21 years acquired the highest degree of satisfaction, and teachers had taught for 6-10 years acquired the lowest degree of satisfaction. Teachers had studied three special education credits or attended the special education study program more than 54 hours acquired the highest degree of satisfaction, but teachers with diplomas of special education credit class acquired the lowest degree of satisfaction. Teachers had taught visual impaired students for more than 4 years acquired the highest degree of satisfaction, but the teachers had taught visual impaired students less than 1 years acquired the lowest degree of satisfaction. The reasons of being the teachers of visual impaired students were “others” acquired the highest degree of satisfaction, and “according to the turns” acquired the lowest degree of satisfaction. 4. Regardless of visual impaired students’ genders, parents’ satisfaction was higher than teachers’. Students with visual impairments of the following backgrounds, parents’ satisfaction was higher than teachers’. Including middle grade or high grade, mild disability, moderate disability and severe disability, received itinerant services for less than one year or more then three years, received no weekly services hours, the way to received servicesof extraction, addition and team teaching. 5. Students with visual impairments of the following backgrounds, teachers’ satisfaction was higher than parents’. Including low grade, mult-handicapped with mainly visual impairments, received itinerant services for 1-2 years, received weekly services hours for 1-2 hours or 3-4 hours or more than five hours, the way to received services of more than two ways. According to the study outcomes, some suggestions were provide as to official administrations of education, school administrations, itinerant teachers, parents, elementary school teacher, and the future research.




