  • 學位論文


On the Translation of Slang in Chinese Subtitles of The Simpsons: Season One

指導教授 : 李根芳


情境喜劇《辛普森家庭》裡充斥著俚語,但俚語如同一個不安份的調皮孩童,不斷挑戰傳統,增生新的辭彙,因此需要字幕翻譯工作者的謹慎處理。然而,字幕翻譯又不像一般的筆譯,譯者必須在時間與空間的雙重限制下,用最簡練的文字表達最完善的意涵,將最大的原語訊息傳達給觀眾。《辛》片的譯者究竟是如何處理這樣的困境呢?這是本論文所要探討的。 論文分為五章,第一章概述筆者的研究動機與目的以及《辛》片簡介。第二章文獻回顧分為二大部份,前半部談俚語的定義、特性、作用與定位;後半部則探討字幕翻譯功能與特色,進而從翻譯理論的角度探索字幕翻譯的文本類型。第三章敘述本論文的主要研究方法,並闡釋本論文選取俚語的依據。最後綜合整理翻譯理論學派及實務翻譯者的建議,歸納出四類字幕俚語翻譯策略。第四章採用前述四類分類法,將俚語歸類後個別分析其優缺點,歸納出俚語在字幕上的翻譯策略。在第五章結論裡,筆者總結字幕俚語翻譯的策略,闡述本論文的研究限制,並提出未來可行的研究方向。


辛普森家庭 俚語 字幕 翻譯策略


Slang is language of a highly substandard colloquial type, which is volatile and is hardly found in dictionaries. It is a great challenge for translators to appropriately bring out both denotation and connotation of slang and reproduce it in another language. The task is even more challenging in subtitle translation due to its two main restrictions—time and space. While American animated sitcom, The Simpsons, is abundant in slang, it is a great example for researchers to explore its slang translation strategies. This thesis, taking The Simpsons: Season One as a case study to examine the translation strategies of slang in Chinese subtitles, consists of five chapters. Chapter One reveals the author’s purpose of research and the structure of the thesis. The movie is also briefly introduced in this chapter. Chapter Two has two parts. In the first part, features and functions of slang are investigated from the perspectives of lexicology and sociolinguistics. In the second part, the author explores the characteristics, restrictions, and feasible translation strategies of screen subtitling. Chapter Three illustrates the methodology of this research. Chapter Four categorizes different translation strategies and pursues a detailed analysis of them. In Chapter Five, the author concludes and points out the limitations that can be exceeded in future researches.


The Simpsons slang subtitle translation strategy


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Mesthrie, Rajend, ed. Concise Encyclopedia of Sociolinguistics, Oxford: Elsevier Science Ltd, 2001.
Pendergast, Tom, et al., eds. St. James Encyclopedia of Popular Culture. 5 vols. Farmington Hills: St. James Press, 2000.
Crystal, David, ed. The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Language, New York: Cambridge University Press, 1992.


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