  • 學位論文


The Relationship between Su Shi’s travel literature and Zen Buddhism

指導教授 : 張高評教授


中國文人對政治的熱衷是古已有之的傳統,「學而優則仕」是文人一生追求的生命價值。因此仕途上的挫折,成為他們一生最大的橫逆。生命的逆境,常使文人藉由文學抒解情感,形成特別的遷謫文學。蘇軾才氣縱橫,「經世濟民」是他一生不變的抱負,歐陽修欲「放他出一頭地」,宋仁宗、神宗賞識其為宰相奇才。然而不合時宜的個性,加上北宋激烈的黨爭,讓蘇軾遠離最能發揮才華的權力中心的都城,一生經歷南北十多州的仕宦流離生活。他為了突破逆境,轉而傾心佛禪。本論文旨在研究蘇軾身處逆境時,佛禪如何彌合和治療他的心靈創傷,透過蘇軾的文學作品,尤其是遷謫詩文,以及歷代詩話筆記、佛禪典籍和寺院方志,採取歷史研究法及歸納、分析與比較法,探討宗教給予蘇軾精神上的安頓與超越。 經研究結果顯示,佛禪「唯心見性」的主張,使蘇軾得以看住心念,或以轉念的方式,讓心靈的自由對抗現實的不自由;「般若空觀」的義理,讓蘇軾達到「一切無可無不可」的境界;「諸法無我」,故蘇軾不受「執以為實有」之苦。「無住生心」讓蘇軾達到超越自在;「不離世間覺」的日用境,讓蘇軾得以有當下安頓之樂;「廣啟業因」的因果觀,讓蘇軾甘心「順天委命」;「平等不二」觀,讓蘇軾達到莊禪齊榮辱、忘死生的無礙自如的境界。總之,佛禪的超脫意識,讓蘇軾達到時時佛法、處處禪機,出入於「世間」、「出世間」的自在。 本研究從蘇軾文學,尤其是遷謫詩文,得知蘇軾身處逆境時,佛禪發揮安頓治療的作用。對其他身處逆境的文人,佛禪是否也發揮安頓的功能?儒道是否也有相同的影響?本論題可延伸至其他各朝文人面對創傷治療之研究,也可提供現代人面對困境時情緒管理上的參考。本研究只是一個起步,期望在學術研究及生活應用上有拋磚引玉的價值!


蘇軾 遷謫文學 宋代文學 佛禪 黨爭


Enthusiasm in policy is a tradition for Chinese literates. Looking for the success in regime is equivalent to their life for these literates. Therefore, lost of officialdom is the defeat of a lifelong dream. When their dreams were dashed, writing became their hope and travel literature is formed. Su Shi was one of the famous literati in Song era. ”Civil service and helpful for the people” was his ambition. Emperor Renzong and Shenzong of Song recognized him a timber and Ouyang Xiu appreciated his brilliance. But due to the personal character and party competition of Song, Su Shi was under fire and far away from the capital of national politic center. In his exile life, Su held a variety of government positions throughout China. During this period, Su try to heal his mind with the help of Zen and Buddhism. In this study, the Relationship between Su Shi’s travel literature and Zen Buddhism is investigated. From Su’s literature, poet notebooks, Buddhism sutra and by the Baconian method, analytical method and syncrisis, how does the religion give Su supporting to help him settle his mind and break the barriers is discussed. The influences of Zen Buddhism on Su’s thought and creation are analyzed and investigated. We find that the decree of ‘Finding Buddha-nature唯心見性’ let Su can keep his nature, and can fight with the unfreedom by transform the frame of mind. The ‘intellection of nothingness般若空觀’ of Zen Buddhism illumine Su Shi, let him track his thinking and awake the inanity of life. Zen teaches us that our mind must keep clean all the time and should not be ‘enthralled by desires執以為實有’. The ’conformity to destiny 順天委命’ teaches Su ’everything is even平等不二’ and let him know ‘everywhere is paradise無所往而不樂’. The ‘awareness of detachment超脫意識’ of Buddhism give Su Shi the freedom between ‘engagement in the world世間’ and ‘disengagement from the world出世間’. In conclusion, the intellection of Zen Buddhism affected Su’s thought and creation deeply. Su learned how to face his exile life and accepted what the reality is; therefore, the promotion of officialdom is nothing to him.


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22. 林安梧著:《中國宗教與意義治療》,台北:明文書局印行,1996年4月。
32. 孫昌武著:《詩與禪》,臺北:東大圖書股份有限公司,1994年8月第一版。
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