  • 學位論文


The vision, goal, strategy and contents of college student affairs: a case study of the points of view of the students and relevant staff at one university

指導教授 : 張雪梅


本研究旨在了解個案學校不同背景的學生、教職人員與學生事務工作人員對大學學生事務工作願景目標及內涵之重要性看法與學校實際重視程度知覺,並探討學生事務工作人員對學生事務工作策略之期待程度與實際執行困難程度知覺的差異,期能提出配合個案學校特性的學生事務工作之建議,俾供個案學校參考改進。 本研究採用問卷調查法,針對個案學校572名學生、358名教職人員及30名學生事務工作人員為對象,以研究者自編之「大學學生事務工作願景目標及內涵調查問卷」及「大學學生事務工作願景目標內涵及策略調查問卷」進行調查,並以描述統計、t檢定、單因子變異數分析及重要-表現分析(IPA)等統計方法進行分析。本研究發現及結論如下: 一、學生、教職人員及學務人員對學務工作願景目標均認為重要;對學校實際重視程度知覺則偏向普通。 二、教職人員及學務人員對學務工作願景的重視程度及對學校實際重視程度知覺均較學生高。 三、部分個人背景變項對學務工作願景的重要性看法具有差異,其中包含教職人員不同職務;及學務人員不同年齡、學務工作年資。 四、部分個人背景變項對學務工作願景的學校實際重視程度知覺具有差異,其中包含學生不同學院、年級、住宿經驗;及教職人員不同性別、年齡、職務。 五、學生、教職人員及學務人員對學務工作願景目標的個人重視程度高於學校重視程度。 六、學生、教職人員及學務人員對學務工作內涵均認為重要;學生對學校實際重視程度知覺偏向普通;教職人員及學務人員對學校實際重視程度知覺偏向重視。 七、教職人員及學務人員對學務工作內涵的重視程度及對學校實際重視程度知覺均較學生高。 八、部分個人背景因素對學務工作內涵的重要性看法具有差異,其中包含學生不同性別、學院、年級、住宿經驗、擔任幹部經驗;教職人員不同專業背景;及學務人員不同職務別。 九、部分個人背景因素對學務工作內涵的學校實際重視程度知覺具有差異,其中包含學生不同學院、年級、住宿經驗、擔任幹部經驗;教職人員不同性別、年齡、專業背景、服務年資、職務;及學務人員不同職務別。 十、學生、教職人員及學務人員對學務工作內涵的個人重視程度高於學校重視程度。 十一、學務人員對學務工作策略的期待程度高;對學務工作策略的實際執行困難程度知覺則略感困難。 十二、學務人員個人背景因素,僅性別變項對學務工作策略的期待程度具有差異;僅專業背景變項對學務工作策略的實際執行困難程度知覺具有差異。 十三、學務人員對學務工作的期待程度高於實際執行困難程度知覺。 十四、全體師生對學務工作目標認為應繼續保持的項目有3項;亟需改善的有5項;應評估改善的有4項;過於投入的有3項。 十五、全體師生對學務工作內涵認為應繼續保持的項目有14項;亟需改善的有14項;應評估改善的有15項;過於投入的有15項。 最後,根據研究發現與結論,提出配合個案學校特性的學生事務工作建議,俾供個案學校參考改進。


This study aims to understand the students, faculty and student affairs staff’s view on the importance of the visions, goals and contents of college student affairs, the sense of the attention the case university paid to the visions, goals and contents of college student affairs and discusses about the difference between the expectancy and the difficulty to carry into execution on the strategies of student affairs of student affairs staff. Hopefully, obtained suggestions which communing the characters of student affairs of studied university as a reference to improve the student affairs. The study subjects are 572 students, 358 faculty members and 30 persons of student affairs staff of studied university. We have designed two questionnaires to obtain the information pertaining to the objective of the present study. The data obtained have been analyzed by the descriptive statistics, t test, one-way ANOVA and important-performance analyze. The conclusions are summarized as following: 1.The students, faculty and student affairs staff assumed that the visions and goals of student affairs were important, but moderately sensed the actual attention degree the school paid. 2.Concerning the view on the importance of the visions of student affairs, the faculty and student affairs staff assumed more important than students. On the other hand, the attention degree the school paid on the visions of student affairs, the faculty and student affairs staff sensed higher than students. 3.The view on the importance of the visions of student affairs differed significantly by some personal factors, including the post of faculty and age, seniority of student affairs staff. 4.The sensation of the actual attention degree the school paid on the visions of student affairs differed significantly by some personal factors, including college, grade and dormitory experience of students and gender, age and post of faculty. 5.The personal views of faculty, student affairs staff and students on the importance of visions and goals of student affairs were higher than the sensation of them of the actual attention degree the school paid. 6.The students, faculty and student affairs staff assumed that the contents of student affairs were important but the actual attention degree the school paid on the contents of student affairs moderately sensed by students but importantly sensed by faculty and student affairs staff. 7.Both of the view of the importance and the sensation of the actual attention degree the school paid on the contents of student affairs of faculty and student affairs staff were higher than students. 8.The view on the importance of the contents of student affairs differed significantly by some personal factors, including gender, college, grade, dormitory experience and internship-cadre experience of students, the professional background of faculty and the post of student affairs staff. 9.The actual attention degree the school paid on the contents of student affairs differed significantly by some personal factors, including college, grade, dormitory experience and internship-cadre experience of students, gender, age, professional background, seniority, post of faculty and the post of student affairs staff. 10.The personal view on the importance of the contents of student affairs of students, faculty and student affairs staff were higher than the sensation of them of the actual attention degree the school paid on it. 11.The student affairs staff highly expected on the strategies of student affairs but sensed a little bit difficult to carry into execution on it. 12.The expectancy on the strategies of student affairs differed significantly by gender of student affairs staff only, but the difficulty to carry into execution on the strategies of student affairs differed significantly by professional background of student affairs staff only. 13.The expectancy on the strategies of student affairs of student affairs staff were higher than the sensation of difficulty to carry into execution on the strategies of student affairs of them. 14.Concerning the goals of student affairs, all members of studied university assumed that there were 3 items should be keeping up, 5 items should be improved, 4 items should be evaluated to improved, and 3 items were overkilled. 15.Concerning the contents of student affairs, all members of studied university assumed that there were 14 items should be keeping up, 14 items should be improved, 15 items should be evaluated to improved, and 15 items were overkilled. In the end, based on the findings and conclusions above, provided suggestions which communing the characters of student affairs of studied university as a reference to improve the student affairs.




