

本研究主要目的在於探討臺北縣國民中學推行鄉土教育之情形,包括鄉土教育的內涵、實施策略、實施困難與解決方法,最後根據研究結論,提出作為實施鄉土教育之建議。 本研究採問卷調查研究方式,首先透過文獻探討鄉土教育之意義和理論基礎,理解鄉土教育發展的過程,暨鄉土教育內涵、實施策略、實施困難和解決方法之相關文獻和實務研究。根據文獻和實務研究分析,編製「臺北縣實施鄉土教育概況調查」問卷一種,進行問卷調查,藉以了解95學年度臺北縣國民中學推行鄉土教育之概況,並統計分析不同背景的教育人員的意見,提出研究結論和參考建議。 本研究調查對象為臺北縣國民中學校長、教務主任、教學組長其中一人和鄉土教育相關領域召集人三人,共發問卷228份,得有效問卷181份,問卷資料以次數分配、百分比和卡方考驗等方法,進行統計分析。 依據統計分析,研究發現,提出結論;並對國民中學推行鄉土教育提出建議,供學校與教育行政機關參考。 壹、結論 一、臺北縣國民中學教育人員對鄉土教育內涵的認知,共識多,差異少。 二、鄉土教育推行比率高,以融入領域教學及開設「鄉土教育社團」較常實施。 三、因應學校背景推行鄉土教育,彈性靈活運用不同的教學方式。 四、學校依其不同的背景,選取適合鄉土教育課程發展的策略。 五、國民中學實施鄉土教育遭遇困難頗多,因學校背景不同,有差異 六、國民中學實施鄉土教育遭遇困難,已採用和期望採用的解決方法有差異;期望採用較已採用解決方法為多。 七、推行鄉土教育績優學校,實施策略「設計課程的方式」講求彈性運用各項方式;「自編鄉土教材」多,但對「鄉土教育發展目標不清楚」、「學生興趣不高與能力不足」的困難,比一般學校高。 貳、建議 一、國民中學實施鄉土教育,應依學校願景、發展目標、社區資源等,採用學校本位的鄉土教育實施方式和活動。 二、學校衡酌鄉土教育實施的困難因素,尋求專家學者的協助,善用社區人力與物力資源;重視教師對鄉土教育實施困難的需求,提供必要的協助與解決方法。 三、學校應鼓勵教師建立鄉土教育教學檔案,建立學校鄉土教育網頁,提供資訊分享的平臺,增進初任教師擔任鄉土教育教學與服務的意願。 四、辦理鄉土教育課程統整、融入領域教學有關的研習,加強教師專業教學能力。 五、學校親職教育應增加鄉土教育內涵、實施策略、實施困難解決方法的宣導,培養家長對鄉土的認同和關心。 六、教育機關應建立鄉土教育正確發展的政策和制度,支援、整合資源協助學校、授權學校發展特色,輔導與獎勵並重,建立策略聯盟、資源互補的功能。 七、未來研究建議:可將研究對象擴及其他縣市、跨學校層級、全校各領域教師或學生對象;增加採用質性研究的方法,輔以深度訪談的方式,深入瞭解國民 中學推行鄉土教育實施策略、困難與解決方法。


A Study of the Execution of Home Culture Education in Taipei County about the Tactics, the Difficulties Encountered, and the Solutions Abstract One of the two main purposes of this research is to explore the condition of how the Homeland Education is practiced in Taipei County, which includes the content of home culture, teaching tactics, the difficulties encountered during execution, and the solutions. The second purpose is to understand the conditions and gain feedbacks of junior high schools that carry out homeland education. Then, I will try to give some suggestions based on the conclusion. The research uses the documentary research and questionnaire survey. First, through documentary research, the research explores the meaning and the foundation of the Homeland Education and tries to understand its developing process in Taiwan. It is a practical research about the content, tactics, difficulties, and solutions of Homeland Education. Then, aside from the documentary research, a questionnaire of “The Survey of the Practice of Homeland Education in Taipei County” is made to investigate the general condition of the carrying out of Homeland Education at the junior high schools in Taipei County in 2006. Statistics of the opinions of educational staff from different backgrounds will be compiled and analyzed for conclusion of the study and suggestions. The objects of this research are the one person chosen from the school principal, dean and chef of educational quarter of every the junior high schools in Taipei County, and three experts of the related fields of Homeland Education. There are totally 228 questionnaires sent out, and among the ones replied there are 181 valid. The statistic results of the questionnaires are compiled and analyzed according to methods such as the distribution of frequency, percentage, Chi-square Test…etc After all these, a conclusion will be drawn on the discovery of the research. Then, for schools and educational authorities, some advises will be offered in reference to the practice of Homeland Education at junior high schools. 1. Conclusion i. The cognition of the educative personnel of the junior high schools in Taipei County is mostly in common, and differs from each other only in a very small degree. ii. The process ratio of homeland education is high. Among them, combining area education and opening “homeland education group” are frequently practiced. iii. To processing the homeland education at the base of school’s background, utilize various different educative way agilely. iv. Schools adopt the most suitable footwork of homeland education in accordance with its backgrounds. v. Schools had met difficulties while processing the homeland education because their backgrounds are different from each other. vi. Schools practicing Homeland Education had met the difficulties. The solutions already used and those expected to be used are different. There are more solutions expected to be used. vii. Schools doing well in practicing Homeland Education paid attention on applying various different methods agilely in practicing the footwork- the way of designing lessons. They mostly edited their own teaching materials. Nevertheless, they have met more difficulties concerning “The unclear developing target of Homeland Education” and “The little interest and insufficient ability of students” than others. 2. The Suggestions: i. Each junior high school should establish its unique school-based footwork and hold activities for the practice of Homeland Education according to its future plan, future goal for development, and the resources from the communities. ii. As for the difficulties and obstacles which schools encounter while practicing Homeland Education, they can look for help from experts, and take advantage of the resources available in the communities. On the other hand, the school authorities should also take the quests of the teaching staff in the field of Homeland Education seriously and provide necessary assistance and solutions. iii. The school authorities should encourage the teaching staff to establish and collect the data of Homeland Education and set up the school website for it; so that there can be an interchanging access for knowledge and information. If so, more and more new teachers would be willing to teach and serve in the field of Homeland Education. iv. Further studying and learning in the field of Homeland Education should be counted as a practical activity that can update the teaching quality and combine the knowledge of different teaching fields. v. The school authorities should propagate more about the lessons of Homeland Education, about the footwork of practice, and about the solutions to the problems encountered in execution. vi. The missions and responsibilities of the educational authorities are: establishing correct footwork and systems for future development in the field of Homeland Education, providing assistance and combining resources for schools, empowering schools to develop their own special features, mentoring and rewarding well-performed schools, and establishing a tactical alliance between different schools so that the resource can always be placed in where it is most urgently needed without any waste. vii. Suggestion for the Future:I recommend that we should expand the objects of research to teachers of all fields, across the boundaries of school hierarchy, the cities, and counties. We can apply the methods of quality research and interview, so that more could be known about the execution tactics of Homeland Education, difficulties encountered, and the solutions.






邱雅琳(2011)。以動機理論設計Google Earth融入鄉土教學之研究〔碩士論文,淡江大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6846/TKU.2011.00031
