  • 學位論文


Reactivating the Cultural Park Management through Local Education---A Case Study of Gomach Archaeological Site Park

指導教授 : 何傳坤


台灣這幾年在提倡本土意識之下,許多地方、社區開始展開積極的地域振興活動,透過學校教育、社區總體營造等方式計畫,使得在地歷史文化逐漸受到重視,並且透過規劃與指定古蹟、遺址重要歷史建築等,以呈現出地域內的歷史變遷與人文風貌。 但在地方展示館或是文化園區在經營管理上,若無永續經營的概念與目標以及經營團隊,最後恐將淪為「蚊子館」,不僅浪費公帑,也造成地區文化歷史的流逝,更讓外界因此對地方形象蒙上了負面的印象。 本研究以位於台中市清水區牛罵頭遺址文化園區為案例,探討該園區未來對外經營的可能營運模式,該園區預計九十九年對外開放營運,卻因為設施與預算等因素延宕至今仍未對外開放,本研究透過文獻分析國內外遺址類型博物館經營手法,並訪談清水地區教師群與學生,試圖應運鄉土教學活化文化園區經營,本研究結論提供管理單位及決策者在未來營運時的另一種選擇。


Because of Taiwan local cultural awareness, many cities and rural communities are enthusiastic to promote cultural revival movement local. Local history and culture are taking seriously through school education and Grand project on cultural revival of community. Historic buildings and archaeological sites are inscribed to record the significant changes of local history and culture configuration. However, without sustainable operational ideas, targets and management groups, local exhibition halls and cultural parks are dubbed as “mosquito halls”. It is not only a waste of taxpayers’ money, but also a great lost of local history and culture. It also left a negative image to the general public. This paper will use Gomach Archaeological Site Park, Qingshui District Taichung City as test balloon to discuss the possible operational models when the park is opened to the public in the future. The park was scheduled to open in 2010, but is still closed due to the unfinished facilities and shortage of budget. The research strategies of this paper include analyzing studies of domestic and foreign archaeological sites management, and interviewing teachers and students in Qingshui District. Reactivation cultural park management through local education provides an alternative option for the management group and decision makers in the future.


鄭秋榮,2007,《臺北縣國民中學推行鄉土教育之研究》國立台灣師範大學 教育學系在職進修碩士班 碩士論文,國圖系統編號:096NTNU5332025 。
Falk John H. & Lynn D. Dierking ;林潔盈、羅欣怡、皮淮音、金靜玉譯,2001,《博物館經驗》,台北:五觀出版
