  • 學位論文

短期華語師資培訓之探究 ─ 泰國華語教師師資儲訓班

A Study of Chinese Language Teacher Training – Chinese Teacher Training Program for Rajabhat Universities in Thailand

指導教授 : 葉德明教授


中文摘要 在全球華語「教學」和「學習」熱潮的帶動下,華語師資不論在質或量方面都面臨很大的挑戰,近年來泰國由於教育政策的開放,學習華語已經蔚為風潮,師資嚴重短缺,而向我國請求支援。「泰國華語教師師資儲訓班」接受我國教育部補助,培訓教師再派遣至泰國師範大學教華語。本研究採用質性和量化的方法對「泰國華語教師師資儲訓班」進行探究,根據對在泰國教華語的教師進行問卷調查和深入訪談等方式進行評估與研究。本研究結果發現: 1.首例與泰國簽署協約的「泰國華語教師師資儲訓班」促進兩國之間的文化交流。師大在極短暫的時間內迅速整合各方資源,成功地培訓華語教師派遣至泰國教書,協助泰國抒解華語師資短缺的現象,為兩國教育的合作樹立了新的里程碑,其意義頗為深遠。 2.本研究的受訪者對主辦單位心懷感激,並肯定這個儲訓班是成功的,課程的安排理論和實用兼具,對老師在泰國教書有實際的幫助,但也有少數人抱怨時間太匆促了,對於課程方面有些微詞,如理論性課程較多,實用性偏少。 3.在研究中找出師資培訓乃需理論與實際相結合;提供實習的機會;建立反思和教師信念。 最後本研究提出的建議: (一)台灣與泰國如何發展華語師資培訓的合作關係,擴大文化交流並對泰國師資培訓提出建議。 (二)積極發展國際合作交流計畫,以推廣華語文教育。


Abstract TCSL methodology program, Teaching Chinese in Thailand There are many Thai people who study Chinese language because of the open policy on Chinese language teaching in Thailand. Therefore, a shortage of qualified Chinese language teachers has become a serious problem in Thailand. Chinese Teacher-Training program for Rajabhat Universities (RU) in Thailand is an unprecedented program between Taiwan and Thailand. It is sponsored by Taiwan’s Ministry of Education (MEO) and set up for the purpose of preparing qualified Chinese teachers for RU in Thailand. The aim of this study is to evaluate the program based on questionnaire surveys, interviews. The findings of this research are: 1. The Chinese language teacher-training program has successfully promoted the cultural exchange between Taiwan and Thailand. 2. The trainees in general held positive views toward the program design and the courses offered. However, the trainees also had some negative comments about the lacking of opportunities of internship in the program planning. 3. The Chinese language teacher- training and development model are consisted of a learning theory, and a practical component based on teaching methodology and opportunity for teaching practice. It is hoped that this study will shed light on the design of pre-service and in-service teacher training program in the future. There are 2 suggestions for future research: 1. Promote international teacher training programs based on the model 2.Develop more Chinese teacher-training exchange programs with different countries.


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