  • 學位論文


A study on Building Community Learning System for Developing Local Culture Industry

指導教授 : 林振春 曾旭正


終身學習是當前世界各國的教育發展願景。而社區是人民生活最貼近的場域,若要達到終生學習的理想,必得從社區學習做起。整合學習資源,建立社區學習體系,提供全民充分的學習機會與環境,是提昇國民素質,強化國家競爭力的策略。 地方文化產業是90年代以來,世界各國促使地方再生的策略;強調它是一種學習的產業,在居民互動、討論、參與、學習的過程中,達到生活價值觀的重建,與生活文化品質的提昇。建構社區學習體系,提供居民學習互動的場域,獲得有關地方文化產業的知識與共識,是助益於其發展的最佳方式。 本研究以新竹玻璃產業文化化的過程為研究重點,採取深度訪談及焦點團體座談法進行研究,目的在探討個案社區推動地方文化產業的脈絡及社區學習體系,以及體系存在的問題和改進的方向,做為建構社區學習體系以推展地方文化產業之參考。相關的研究發現、結論與建議如下: 一、研究發現 (一)地方文化產業的推動是為了再造傳統產業的生機:傳統產業以外銷為導向,根據買者的需求生產,靠的是價廉質優的勞力,缺乏品牌、行銷與設計。當客觀環境不再,產業便失去競爭力而沒落;在趨向美學消費的當前社會,必得往文化產業的方向轉型,提昇附加價值,才能再造產業的生機。 (二)產業文化化時期與社區學習有密切的連結:傳統產業的發展,是以師徒相授的方式,與社區學習沒有連結;產業文化化時期,為了培育人才,以及推廣的需求,大量的社區學習興起。 (三)產業文化化的社區學習體系豐富多元,但均有待克服的困境:為了產業轉型發展,地方政府結合了產、官、學界,建構社區學習體系推動,但是運作上存在下列問題,必須加以改進。 1、共同的願景並未建立。 2、玻璃工藝博物館未能擔負起社區學習中心的功能。 3、文化產業組織動力薄弱,未能成為推動的主體。 4、竹塹國際玻璃藝術節的社區學習功能呈現弱化的現象。 5、正規教育系統並未發揮提供社區學習的功能。 6、社區大學對於玻璃文化產業的投入明顯不足。 7、與企業部門的夥伴關係尚待加強。 8、尚有許多待整合的學習資源。 二、研究結論 (一)社區學習體系的建構是提昇國民素質的策略。 (二)推展地方文化產業是社區再造的良方。 (三)社區學習體系的建構有助於地方文化產業的推展,其具有下列作用力: 1、透過社區學習的策略,建立地方共同願景。 2、以社區學習強化居民對於地方文化產業本質的認知。 3、以社區學習培植文化消費人口。 4、以社區學習激發創意理念。 5、學習資源的充分整合與運用。 (四)建構推展地方文化產業的社區學習體系。 1、以共享願景的建立與概念澄清做為社區學習體系的基礎。 2、以工藝精神的本質做為社區學習體系的價值觀。 3、設置社區學習中心做為社區學習體系的平台。 4、以策略聯盟達到社區學習資源的整合。 三、建議 (一)對於中央政府的建議—建構整合性的平台,使輔導更有成效。 (二)對於地方政府的建議—建立制度性的架構,使各項工作順利運作。 (三)對於文化產業組織的建議—塑造學習型區域,透過不斷的學習再學習,帶來組織體質的改變。 (四)對於教育學術機構的建議—協助培育人才,並將人才導入產業,使社會資源達到可移轉性功能。 (五)對於未來研究的建議 1、在研究對象方面:以抽樣的方式,選取大樣本的普查,獲取更多居民的想法和建議。 2、在研究方法方面:採用行動研究法,藉以獲得事實面的資料。 3、在研究主題方面:可針對如何激發創造力或其它的產業類別探討。 4、在研究工具方面:可以發展評量量表,作為學習前後的比較。


Nowadays, lifelong learning is the universal prospect of education reform. Because the community is closely related to common life, community learning is the way to achieve lifelong learning. Integrating learning resources, building community learning system, and offering all citizens adequate learning opportunities and environments are strategies to enhance civil quality and strengthen national competitiveness. Since the 1990s, local culture industry is a strategy to revive local regions in every country. It emphasizes that it is an industry of learning. Citizens reconstruct their life values and improve their quality of life and culture via interaction, discussion, participation and learning. The best way to promote local culture industry is building community learning system to offer an arena for learning and interaction for citizens to attain knowledge about local culture industry and build a common consensus. . This study is focused on the culturalization process of the Hsinchu Glass Industry. In the course of the study, in-depth interviews and focus group discussions have been adopted. The purpose of this study is to explore the trace of Hsinchu’s local culture industry and its community learning system. The mechanism and problems of the community learning system and the ways to improve it are discussed. Finally, this study serves as reference for building a community learning system for developing local culture industry. The findings, conclusions and suggestions are listed below: Findings 1. Developing local culture industry is the way to revive traditional industries. Traditional industries are export-oriented. They manufacture according to the buyer’s requirements. They depend on cheap and skillful labor, but they lack branding, marketing and design. When the circumstances have changed, the industries have thus lost competitiveness and declined. In the present society which is eager to pursue aesthetic consumption, they must transform into culture industry in order to enhance their added value and be revitalized. 2. The period of culturalization closely connects to community learning. Traditional industries depend on the system of apprenticeship, not connecting with community learning. In the period of culturalization, community learning is vigorously implemented for cultivation of talents and promotional demands. 3. Community learning system for culture industry are diverse, but all have predicaments which need to be overcome. In order to develop culture industry, the local government collaborates with industry, government and academia to establish community learning system, but the implementation has the following problems which need to be improved: (1)A shared vision has not been built. (2)The Hsinchu Municipal Glass Museum is not responsible for the function as the center of community learning. (3)The association of the Glass Industry is short of momentum, which fails to take the major role for development. (4)The Hsinchu glass art festival can’t strengthen the function of community learning. (5)The normal education system can’t provide community learning. (6)The community colleges participate in the glass industry insufficiently. (7)It is required to strengthen the cooperation among companies. (8)There are still many learning resources waiting to be consolidated. Conclusion 1. Building community learning systems is the way to enhance civil quality. 2. Developing local culture industry is the best way to revive the community. 3. Building community learning system is beneficial to the development of local culture industry.The effects are the following: (1)building the shared vision. (2)strengthening the public recognition of local culture industry. (3)cultivating the population of cultural consumption. (4)stimulating innovative ideas. (5)integrating learning resources and implementations. 4. Build community learning system for developing local culture industry. (1)The basis of community learning system are shared visions and recognition of local culture industry. (2)The value of community learning system is based on the arts spirits. (3)Build community learning centers which serve as the platform. (4)Use strategic alliances to integrate community learning resources . Suggestions 1. Suggestions for the central government agency: build an integrated platform to make the assistance more efficient. 2. Suggestions for the local government agency: build a scheme of the system to make all kinds of jobs run smoothly. 3. Suggestions for the association of culture industry: build a learning region to make the organization functional through continuous learning and relearning. 4. Suggestions for the education institute: offer a mechanism to cultivate talents. 5. Suggestions for further study: (1)research targets: conduct a census by mass sampling to understand the opinions of residents. (2)research methods: action research may be chosen in order to gain factual data. (3)research topics: how to cultivate creativity or another industry item. (4)research tools: innovative inventories may be designed in order to understand the effect of learning .




