  • 學位論文


This research to the visually impaired students, requirement and their present using situation of library and information.

指導教授 : 林孟真


本研究旨在探討高中資源班視覺障礙學生的圖書資訊利用現?以及需求,以全國設有身心障礙資源班之高中視覺障礙學生及啟明學校高中普通班學生為對象,進行問卷調查和座談,問卷調查學校合計二十六所,視障學生七十五位。根據問卷調查、座談及文獻探討主要發現,本研究提出圖書資訊利用實施之策略,作為高中圖書館服務視覺障礙學生之參考。 綜合研究結果,提出高中資源班圖書資訊利用之實施策略如下: 一、建構網路主動式視障服務網 – 發行網路雜誌 把目前資訊掛在網站上,需要者自取的被動式服務,改為定時主動傳送 有關之電子郵件給視障學生,讓視障學生快速、有效的得到資訊。資訊內容要簡短生動,需要時才進一步下載閱讀全文,以減輕閱讀負擔。 二、目前對視障學生之圖書資訊服務,在電腦、網路及電子化方面的服務機制及設備都相當不完備,故此,須大力爭取各界支持改善。 三、資源班視障學生之圖書資訊利用推廣,認識圖書館部分,應單獨辦理,視障學生才能貼近圖書館,迅速蒐集需要的資訊。 四、圖書資訊利用教育之內容,應優先輔導資料庫使用、網路新功能、網路應用,以便贏在起跑點上。 五、推廣圖書資訊利用教育,應融入各科教學,結合教學需要增進教學效果,利用教育方式可經由同學、師長、網路的互動以提高效益。


This research aims to study the visually impaired students, requirement and their present using situation of library and information with which they are provided. The subjects of this research include visually impaired senior high students studying both in resource classes of senior high schools and in general classes of visually impaired schools around our nation. All the subjects, totally 75 visually impaired students from 26 schools, have undergone a survey through questionnaires and some of them have an informal discussion with the researcher. Based on the results of the questionnaires and the informal discussion, this research will put forward some strategy on helping visually impaired students to use the library and information. The strategy is as follows: 1. We should initiate the construction of web service system for visually impaired students by using cyber magazines. We should not only put current important information on the net, but also send it automatically to visually impaired students by e-mail, instead of waiting for those who need it to get it passively. The information for visually impaired students had better be brief and vivid, and can be obtained swiftly and efficiently. If necessary, one can download the full text easily. 2. As far as the computer, the web, and electronization are concerned, the current equipment and service system of library and information service for visually impaired student are so weak. Therefore, we need to work harder and look for support in all fields to improve this condition. 3. We should take special care of those visually impaired students in resource classes and teach them individually to know how to use the library and information, and how to gather the information they want swiftly. 4. As for the course of library instruction, we should give priority to the use of database, the new web function, and the application of network. 5. For visually impaired students, the course of library instruction should integrate into the other courses in teaching. Keyword: inclusive education, mainstreaming, web use, visually impaired students’ requirement, library, library and information instruction, special education.


杞昭安(民88a)。視覺障礙者就業現況與就業期望之調查研究。行政院國家科學委員會專題研究計畫成果報告(編號:NSC 88-2614-H-003-002)。台北市:台師大。
洪世昌(民82)。台北市立圖書館館訊。11,2,30 - 40。


