  • 學位論文


A Research on the Concept Analysis of "Biological Evolution" and the Conceptual Change Teaching among the Tenth Grade Students

指導教授 : 邱美虹


本研究以概念本體論、生物演化的變異論與轉型論為理論背景與心智模式分類依據,以改編自Shtulman(2006)設計的生物演化概念問卷,首先對120位高一學生進行紙筆測驗,以了解學生的生物演化概念。 紙筆測驗結果顯示,在生物演化概念問卷的紙筆測驗表現上,120位學生具有轉型論、變異論與綜合型三種心智模式。六大題組30題總得分最高者為+28,最低者為-14,平均5.68。顯示就全體學生在整份問卷的表現而言,變異論心智模式傾向多於轉型論心智模式傾向。 研究者根據Chi & Slotta、Geraedts & Boersma、Shtulman的主張,設計一個生物演化教學課程,對教學組的學生進行實際教學補救,並於教學後進行紙筆測驗之後測。最後再對教學組與對照組學生進行生物演化問題之晤談,以其對生物演化問題的解釋架構與邏輯性,佐證教學成效,並比較不同問題情境下的表現差異。 在紙筆測驗上,學生在面對教科書中學過的演化問題時,普遍能有變異論的作答反應,但卻不能遷移至未學過的演化問題情境,遂代之以轉型論的作答。在解釋達爾文理論的物種適應因果機制時,變異論者會選擇具有完整突現過程本體屬性的選擇類比;而轉型論者最為偏好的類比與本體屬性則依序為外力類比(直接的與相呼應的屬性),其次是成長類比(次團體或種類屬性),而意圖類比(意圖的屬性)則較少。在晤談中,學生在遇到教科書中未學過的演化問題時,普遍傾向以轉型論的架構來推論演化模式。 綜合紙筆測驗前、後測及晤談結果顯示,對照組學生對達爾文的演化理論停留在機械記憶,並未能充分理解其理論。而教學組學生在實施過以提問法輔助進行的生物演化教學課程及突現過程本體訓練後,則會有較多的變異論心智模式,並普遍能遷移至未學過的演化問題。   研究者認為,傳統教科書在論述生物演化時,偏重在變異(個體差異)、過度繁殖、生存競爭、適者生存這四個達爾文演化論名詞與直線式過程(程序)的描述上。生物演化教育應聚焦在演化本身的意涵、族群在演化上的重要意義、以及演化模式發生的突現過程因果機制。


120 participants at the 10th grade students were first assessed by a questionnaire within 30 questions adapted from Shtulman(2006) to probe their concepts of biological evolution on the theoretical consideration of conceptual ontology, variationism and transformationism. The written questionnaire showed that 120 students demonstrated three types of mental model: variationism, transformationism and synthetic mental model. The overall test scores on 30 questions ranges from -14 to +28 and averaged +5.68, revealing that students committed more variationism than transformationism on the whole. Then, the experimental group were treated with an instructional remediation with integrated multiple perspectives proposed by Chi & Slotta, Geraedts & Boersma, and Shtulman, and followed by a post-test. At last, by means of interviewing with both experimental and comparison groups, the teaching effects and performance variation were to be demonstrated. While interviewing , interviewed students, when encountering those questions which were unlearned on textbooks, inclined to transformationism explanatory framework instead of variationism. According to the pre-and -post scores and the interview, we find that the comparison group students remained at the rote memory about Darwin's evolution theory. On the other side, those students, who were instructed in class with problem-posing approach and emergent process ontology training, obviously had some concept change upon variationism and could more freely transfer to unlearned context of evolution.


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