  • 學位論文


Investigating Effects of The Use of Material Particle Concepts on Students’ Learning Achievements and Mental Models on Heat and Temperature

指導教授 : 邱美虹


很多研究指出,微觀的粒子世界對學生而言是困難且難以學習的(Novik & Nassusbaum, 1981; Nassusbaum & Novick, 1982; Nussbaum, 1985; Andersson, 1990; de Vos, 1996),但是物質的粒子理論(The particle theory of matter)早在1960年代就是基礎科學教育研究焦點的一個主題,並被National Science Teachers Association列為課程中必須建立的重要概念(Schmedemann, 1970),學生必須具備這些基本概念方有助於理解其他的化學概念。 本研究針對現行國二理化課程中的「溫度與熱」單元,設計了實施微觀教學的「粒子+微觀組」、以現行理化課本的巨觀教材為主的「巨觀組」,並增加了一組「粒子+巨觀組」,主要方式是實施粒子教學但實施溫度與熱的巨觀教學,藉以探討粒子概念對於學生於巨觀教學下的影響。 本研究之研究結果如下﹕ 1. 在概念的層面上,微觀教學的教學成效優於巨觀教學,但在以計算為主的解題上,粒子概念對巨觀教學下的學生產生負面的影響。 2. 與巨觀教學相比,微觀教學後,學生之粒子概念有顯著的提升,而接受巨觀教學的學生,其粒子概念並未產生顯著的變化。在面對其他粒子相關的科學現象時,巨觀教學與微觀教學組的學生,皆偏向以巨觀觀點解題,但接受微觀教學的學生較多人以粒子觀點解題,且成功解題的比例很高。 3. 與巨觀教學相比,微觀教學下學生所產生的「水加熱系統」、「比熱」以及「熱平衡」心智模式之本體屬性較多屬於CBI屬性,且較多學生具有科學模式。且在微觀教學下,學生具有的「CBI」屬性的「熱平衡」心智模式較易維持。 4. 微觀教學之教學(呈現)模型較能有效使學生建立與科學模型屬性相同的心智模式。 綜合以上所述,溫度與熱的微觀教學對於提升學生的學習成就、建立與科學模式相同屬性的心智模式以及對粒子相關的科學現象推理解釋均有顯著的幫助。


粒子概念 微觀 心智模式 溫度 概念改變 本體論


The particle theory of matter has been a focal point in basic science education since 1960, and was made into a list of important and essence concepts in curricula (Schmendemann, 1970), But many studies pointed out that microscopic particle concepts are very difficult and hard to learn for students (Novik & Nassusbaum, 1981; Nassusbaum & Novick, 1982; Nussbaum, 1985; Andersson, 1990; de Vos, 1996). This research aimed at investigating eighth graders conceptions of “temperature and heat” and their changes via learning with different instrument materials. There are one control group (G1), and two treatment groups (namely G2 using materials in particle concepts and “heat and temperature” concepts described at macroscopic level, and G3 using particle concepts and “heat and temperature” concepts described at microscopic level). Four results of this study are as follows: First, G3 outperforms G1 and G2 in conceptual learning, but particular concepts prevent students from learning in heat and temperature concepts. Second, students in G3 made significant progress in particle concepts, but those in G2 did not. In order to solve related particular scientific phenomenon, Majority of students in three groups tended to solve them in macroscopic view. Among three groups, G3 has more students to use particular concepts to solve them. Third, comparing with macroscopic instruction, more students in G3 had CBI and scientific “water heating system”, “specific heat” and “heat equilibrium” mental models. After instruction, mental models of heat equilibrium of students in G3 were easier to sustain than those in G1 and G2. Fourth, expressed models used in G3 could help students construct mental models, in which the attributes in students’ mantel models were similar to scientific models. Microscopic instruction in “temperature and heat” concepts significantly helps students improve learning achievement, construct mental models with similar attributes as scientific models, and provide reasonable arguments for related scientific phenomenon.




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