  • 學位論文


Troubling the public-private split: A feminist critique

指導教授 : 林佳範


本論文旨在探討公、私劃分對女性公民身份實踐的影響。女性主義指出,性別化的公、私領域劃分,是女性公民身份不平等的主要原因。由此女性主義批判出發,本論文由理論探討與台灣經驗分析兩個取徑著手,分析在強調性別平權的今天,女性主義對公、私領域劃分的批判,對於我們理解女性的公民生活經驗是否仍有意義,以及台灣在公、私領域劃分上的實踐,可能提供女性主義在此議題上什麼樣的新思考面向。 由身體性自我、關係性自我、敘說性自我的公民主體出發,本論文分別檢視空間面向、法律面向以及道德等三面向中的公、私領域劃界議題。本論文主張,即便在許多傳統公、私劃界已被挑戰、改變的今天,性別化的公、私領域規範,仍造成女性公民的不利之處。但為了更能揭露女性公民生活經驗,並賦權女性,女性主義在討論如何攪擾公、私劃界議題上,有必要引用更能反映身體自我與關係自我的空間理論,以關係性自我為法律主體的法律論述,以及強調敘說力量的公民參與模式。 在台灣經驗分析上,本研究則發現:隨著性別平權運動的發展,台灣過去幾年來,透過各項法令政策,成功顛覆了許多過去不利於女性的公、私劃界。但值得注意的是,由於缺乏一個捍衛個人基本權利的傳統,台灣某些挑戰公、私劃界的政策論述,出現了被父權保護主義與國家道德規訓體制寄生的現象,因而產生許多不利女性或所有公民的非預期性後果。這提醒我們,女性主義的鬆動公、私劃界行動,應考量特定社會脈絡中的公、私傳統,才能有助於女性實現平等公民身份。


Over the past few decades, feminism has established the insightful critique that the gendered public-private split is the main source of women’s unequal citizenship. Proceeding from this critique, this dissertation, employing the two approaches of theoretical discussion and empirical analysis, aims to explore the following two questions: (1) given that gender-equality movements have been thriving since the 1960s, does the feminist critique of the public-private split still carry the same significance in discussing women’s citizenship today?; (2) do current practices of the gendered public-private split in contemporary Taiwanese society enable any new perspectives on feminist analysis of the public-private debate? Arguing that the citizen-subject should be conceived as an embodied self, relational self, and narrative self, this study examines three aspects of the public-private split: the spatial, the legal and the moral. This study further argues that despite the successful feminist challenge of established public-private ideology, the public-private split is still gender-biased and continues to perpetuate disadvantages in regard to women’s citizenship. Moreover, in order to create alternative public-private discourses which are helpful to implement women’s equal citizenship, this dissertation contends that feminism needs to adopt a spatial theory based on the embodied self and relational self, a legal theory where the legal subject is conceived as a relational self, and a model of civic participation and civic virtue which values narrative strength. Through the analysis of cases in Taiwan, this dissertation points out that in the past 20 years Taiwanese women’s movements have brought about new government policies and laws which subvert the traditional public-private order and substantively improve the status of women’s citizenship. However, due to the lack of a tradition which emphasizes individual rights, feminist subversions of the established public-private split in Taiwan are implicitly co-opted by the existing protective patriarchal ideology or moral discipline of the state, thereby producing distinct sociopolitical disadvantages for Taiwanese women or even all Taiwanese citizens. This suggests that the feminist commitment to troubling the public-private split should be conducted in coordination with the existing public-private tradition particular to the local conditions of a given society, rather than against a universal undifferentiated model, in order to effectively promote women’s equal citizenship in that society.


feminism public-private citizenship Taiwan citizen-subject




