  • 學位論文


Research on How the Special Education Teachers of Vocational High School Combining Instructional Resources Center with Teaching Needs~Ejamples of Taipei Municipal Vocational High School

指導教授 : 林孟真


高職特教班教師利用教學資源中心融入教學需求之研究 —以臺北市公立高職為例 摘要 本研究旨在探討高職特教班教師利用教學資源中心融入教學需求之研究,主要採取文獻探討、問卷調查法及訪談調查,以臺北市公立高職特教班教師為研究對象進行普查,寄出63份問卷,回收47份問卷,總回收率為74.6%。資料分析利用SPSS12.0版統計軟體,採用次數分配、百分比、平均數、標準差、T檢定、單因子變數分析等統計方法。 根據文獻探討及問卷調查,獲得以下之結論: 一、臺北市公立高職教學資源中心功能服務現況為7所公立高職圖書館已轉型 為教學資源中心。各校教學資源中心功能服務,不同類別學校建置的功能服務差異不大。 二、特教班教師利用教學資源中心功能及設施的需求;以提供蒐集與整理教材 中的「教學影片、光碟」需求為最迫切,佔66.7%。 其次以提供「教學套裝軟體」為最需要的佔59.6%。 三、特教班教師利用教學資源中心融入教學策略的需求;以在最希望提供「教材編輯研習」支援教師教學需求的,佔47.9%。在最希望提供「教學策略研習」的需求,則以希望舉辦「創新教學策略」的為最多。 四、在問卷調查分析統計結果中,高職特教班教師不同背景變項在「學校類別、年齡、教學年資、特教專業背景」對於利用教學資源中心需求沒有差異。 關鍵詞: 公立高職特教班、教學資源中心、融入教學


Research on How the Special Education Teachers of Vocational High School Combining Instructional Resources Center with Teaching Needs — Examples of Taipei Municipal Vocational High Schools The main goal of this research is to discuss how the Special Education Teachers in Vocational High School are combining Instructional Resources Center with their teaching needs. Base upon the sampling poll of Special Education teachers among Taipei Municipal Vocational High School, the data for this research was collected through methods of documentary researches, questionnaire survey and interview. Out of 63 questionnaires that were sent out, 47 were returned; resulting a total feedback return rate of 74.6%. The 12.0 version of “SPSS” statistical software (Statistical Package for Social Science) was the data analysis model used in this research. “Frequency Distribution”, “Percentage”, “Medium”, “Standard Deviation”, “Chi-Square Test”, “T-Test”, and “1-Way ANOVA (Analysis Of Variance)” were the statistical applications used to evaluate the data in this research. Base upon the documentary researches and survey results, the following conclusions were drew: 1. The current condition of Instructional Resource Center of these 7 Taipei Municipal Vocational High Schools is: These Instructional Resource Centers were all transformed from Vocational High School Libraries. There are also very few differences, in terms of functional services, among each school’s Instructional Resource Centers, regardless of their school category. 2. Among Special Education Teachers’ needs on what Instructional Resources Center can provide, the most urgent need was: “Needing teaching movies and DVDs” (66.7%). The second most urgent need was “Needing teaching software package” (59.6%). 3. On the issue of “The needs of Utilizing Instructional Resources Center in Teaching Policies”, the teachers hope the Center can provide “Teaching Material Editing Study” the most (47.9%), while on the subject of “Teaching Policy Study”, teachers mostly hope the Centers can hold more “Innovative Teaching Policy” Study. 4. In the survey results, the statistic shows that, regardless of the various backgrounds (such as school category, age, teaching period and special education background), there was no differences in the needs of utilizing Instructional Resources Center among Special Education teachers in Vocational High School.


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池增輝(民91)。高中圖書館利用教育課程規劃之研究。國立台灣師範 大學社教系研究所在職進修碩士班,碩士論文。
李忠浩(民92)。高級職業學校特殊教育班職場實習實施現況之調查研 究。國立台灣師範大學工業教育研究所,碩士論文。
杜修文(民89)台灣地區高中圖書館發展之研究。國立台灣師範大學社 會教育學系研究所,碩士論文。


