  • 學位論文


A Study on the Status Quo and Problems in the Transformation of Senior High School Libraries into Instructional Resource Centers in Taipei City and County

指導教授 : 陳昭珍博士


本研究透過問卷方式,調查臺北縣市高中圖書館行政與資訊人員對圖書館轉型為教學資源中心的各項看法與現況。包括:(1) 圖書館支援教學與資訊組業務分工情形;(2) 影響圖書館發展方向關鍵角色與轉型之重要因素;(3) 圖書館轉型為教學資源中心的校內意見氛圍;(4) 圖書館與資訊組任務的互補與重疊性;(5) 圖書館成員對轉型為教學資源中心的態度調查;(6) 資訊科技與資訊組長在轉型中的角色;(7) 轉型教學資源中心的重要任務與策略;(8) 圖書館媒體專家之能力與角色認同 本研究受試者多為男性,服務於圖書館、年齡31~40 歲、碩士學歷、非本科系畢業;但大多擁有在職進修的圖書館或資訊專業學分補足其專業需求,受法規影響,超過半數學校已合併資訊組,台北縣學校高達八成。 結果顯示:(1) 圖書館成員均定期參加各科的教學研究會議及各項研習活動,與資訊組業務有重疊的地方。(2)圖書館發展受主管影響很大,轉型關鍵角色以校長的支持為最重要。(3) 圖書館的轉型在校內尚未有一定共識與氣候,仍需努力溝通與推廣。(4)多數受試者不認為圖書館轉型為教學資源中心的發展方向受到教育主管機關與教師重視。(5)超過八成的受試者肯定「圖書館在發展新型態的數位業務時仰賴資訊組人員的協助」;六成受試者贊成將這兩個單位直接合併,即具有教學資源中心雛形。 (6)資訊組長在推動校園e化、資訊教育扮演重要角色,圖書館受資訊科技影響,任務型態改變需調整組織編制。(7)受試者多肯定因資訊科技影響的轉型任務,而 「調整現有組織人員編制」、「爭取經費,增添所需的軟硬體設備」、「增進師生使用多媒體的能力」、「鼓勵教師研發數位教材與媒體資源」是轉型中最為重要的策略。 (8)多數受試者肯定圖書館媒體專家能力的重要性,以「統籌各種資訊來源與計畫管理的能力」最為重要,資訊組長為學校最接近「圖書館媒體專家」角色。


Through questionnaires, this research conducted a survey among administration and technology coordinators in senior high school libraries in Taipei City and Taipei County for various views and the status quo of the transformation of libraries into instructional resource centers. The contents of survey included 1) the support to teaching by library and the division of labors in information teams; 2) the key role that might affect the direction of development of library and the important factors of transformation; 3) the views and atmosphere in campus on the transformation of library into teaching resource center; 4) the mutual complement and overlapping between library and teaching resource center; 5) the survey on the librarian’s attitude toward the transformation of their library into instructional resource center; 6) the roles of information technology and technology coordinators in the transformation; 7) the important missions and strategies for the transformation of library into instructional resource center; 8) the ability and role identity of library media specialists. Most of the surveyed were male, worked in library, ages 31~40, master degree, non-library science graduates, but most had complemented requirements for expertise about library and information by on-job advanced studies. More than half of schools, about 80% in Taipei County, had merged their information sections with library. The results showed: 1) most of the librarians regularly attended in the teaching research meetings and various learning activities of different subjects; 2) the development of library was affected greatly by the school administrator, principal played a key role in the transformation; 3) there was not yet a certain consensus and climate for the transformation of library in campus and needed a lot of efforts for communication and popularization; 4) most of the surveyed did not think that education authorities and teachers paid much attention on the direction of development of the transformation of library into instructional resource center; 5) over 80% of the surveyed affirmed that “in the development of new type of digital business, library depended on the assistance from information section personnel” , about 60% of the surveyed favored the direct merge between two units as an embryo of instructional resource center; 6) technology coordinator played an important role in the implementation of e-campus, information education and under the effects of information technology and the change of library task type, library needed to adjust their organization; 7) most of the surveyed affirmed the transformation mission under the effects of information technology and among others, “adjusting existing staff in the organization”, “seeking for more budget to buy necessary software and hardware equipment”, “enhancing teacher and students’ ability to use multimedia” and “encourage teachers to research and develop digital teaching materials and media resources” were the most important strategies in the transformation; 8) most of the surveyed affirmed the importance of library media specialists’ abilities in which “the ability of overall planning various information sources and plan management” was the most important and the technology coordinators is closing to the role as “ a library media specialist” in the school.




何富財,(2004)。談學校知識管理與教學資源中心的建構。學校行政。31, 147-154。


