  • 學位論文


A Study of the Relationships among Career Self-efficacy, Identity Status, and Career Commitment of the Graduates in Two-years Technical College in Taipei

指導教授 : 馮丹白 教授


本研究旨在探討台北縣市二技應屆畢業生生涯自我效能、自我認定狀態與生涯承諾之現況,並分析不同背景學生生涯自我效能、自我認定狀態與生涯承諾的差異情形,同時進行三者相互關係之研究。為達研究目的,首先經由文獻探討所得之理論架構發展調查問卷,受調查之有效樣本共計566名學生,有效問卷回收率為87.89%,並輔以描述性統計、t考驗、單因子變異數分析及皮爾遜積差相關等方法進行資料處理與分析,所獲致結論如下: 一、二技應屆畢業生具中上程度的生涯自我效能,惟須加強未來計劃擬定與收集職業資料能力,提昇就業能力。 二、二技應屆畢業生普遍傾向尋求認定狀態。 三、二技應屆畢業生具中上程度的生涯承諾,且生涯期待程度高於生涯計劃與生涯認定。 四、二技應屆畢業生會因不同學校類別與是否曾經參加學校舉辦之就業輔導相關活動而有不同程度的生涯自我效能。 五、二技應屆畢業生會因不同性別、學校類別與工作經驗而有不同的自我認定狀態。 六、二技應屆畢業生會因不同學校類別與是否曾經參加學校舉辦之就業輔導相關活動而有不同程度的生涯承諾。 七、二技應屆畢業生生涯自我效能與自我認定狀態各層面有相關存在。「自主認定狀態」及「他主認定狀態」與生涯自我效能呈正相關,「認定混淆狀態」及「尋求認定狀態」與生涯自我效能呈負相關。 八、二技應屆畢業生生涯自我效能與生涯承諾有正相關存在。 九、二技應屆畢業生自我認定狀態各層面與生涯承諾有相關存在。「自主認定狀態」及「他主認定狀態」與生涯承諾呈正相關;「認定混淆狀態」與生涯承諾呈負相關;「尋求認定狀態」與生涯承諾無相關存在。 根據上述研究結論,本研究提出進一步的討論與建議,供學校教育輔導機關、二技應屆畢業生及後續研究參考。


The purposes of this study were to explore the career self-efficacy, identity status, and career commitment in Two-years Technical College in Taipei, and analyze the variations by the student background. Meanwhile it examines the correlation of self-efficacy, identity status, and career commitment. The study was based on the questionnaire survey guided by the theoretical framework developed from archive research. The valid samples of the questionnaire contain 566 students and the valid return was 87.89%. The statistical techniques applied are descriptive statistic method, t-test , one-way ANOVA and Pearson product-moment correlation. The major findings of this study were as follows: 1.The Two-years Technical College Graduates have medium degree of the career self-efficacy but lower degree of “Planning“ and “Occupational Information”. 2.The majority of Two-years Technical College Graduates “identity moratorium status”. 3.The Two-years Technical College Graduates have medium degree of the career commitment. 4.The Two-years Technical College Graduates who came from different schools and have been participated the activities about Vocational guidance have significant differences in self-efficacy. 5.There were significant differences between males and females , different schools, and different work experiences in ego identity status. 6.The Two-years Technical College students who came from different schools and have been participated the activities about Vocational guidance have significant differences in career commitment. 7.There were significant correlations between career self-efficacy and identity status. There were significant positive correlations between career self-efficacy and identity status of “identity achievement” and “foreclosure”. There were significant negative correlations between career self-efficacy and identity status of “identity diffusion” and “moratorium”. 8.There were significant positive correlations between career self-efficacy and career commitment. 9.There were significant correlations between identity status and career commitment. There were significant positive correlations between career commitment and identity status of “identity achievement” and “foreclosure”. There were significant negative correlations between career self-efficacy and “identity diffusion status”. There were no significant correlations between career commitment and “moratorium status”. According to the conclusions of the main findings, several suggestions are provided for educational guidance bureau of the government and The Two-years Technical College students future and related study.


黃德祥 (民83)。青少年發展與輔導。台北:五南出版社。


