  • 學位論文


How does a Nature School contribute to the lifelong learning of the community:A case study of Kakuma's Satoyama Nature School of in Japan

指導教授 : 張子超


本研究以日本金澤大學附屬的「角間的里山自然學校」促進周邊社區居民「里山之友」的終身學習能力作為個案研究,期望研究環境學習中心對於促進「里山之友」終身學習關鍵能力上的成效。研究者探討「里山之友」透過參與「里山自然學校」的活動後,對其終身學習上的成長,並以此做為台灣環境學習中心在實踐社區居民終身學習上的參考與借鏡。 研究者透過參與觀察、田野札記、深入訪談、文件蒐集與分析四種方式進行資料蒐集。因為終身學習的範圍十分的廣泛,經過評估,研究者以終身學習關鍵能力作為評估「里山之友」的成長的依據,分別為認知能力、學習如何學習、學習遷移及動機與情緒管理。經過分析與討論後,本研究的發現如下: 1.環境學習中心不僅要促進周邊學校師生的環境意識與環境行動能力,對於社區貢獻仍具有相當的義務與責任。其中,在促進社區居民的終身學習上的成長已成為國際上的趨勢,「里山自然學校」即是這種趨勢下的產物。 2.「里山自然學校」主要是金澤大學為了回饋社會、促進社區居民終身學習為目的,所成立的環境學習中心。其主要的特色,在於賦予社區居民環境教育的領導權,讓社區居民自主自立的策劃、執行環境教育的活動。藉由這個過程,讓社區居民在終身學習能力得以成長。 3.在認知的部分,「里山之友」不管是在提升個人技能與能力、貢獻所學所有給他人,或是基本能力部分,都有顯而易見的成長。 4.在學習如何學習的部分,「里山之友」在後設認知能力、將終身學習與個人目標達成、對現狀不滿意、不斷的改變作業程序與過程、跳脫現狀思考,或是使用創造力和想像力來解決問題等方面,均有所成長。 5.在學習遷移層面上,由於「里山自然學校」對「里山之友」企畫與執行活動時採取開放的態度,「里山之友」在面對新的挑戰時,會轉化已有的經驗,以樂觀的態度面對,並具體行動。 6.在動機與情緒管理上的提升上,「里山之友」在面對新的知識和學習技巧時,大多採取開放的態度;願意分享新的知識;對於活動的策劃及策略上,具有一定程度的企圖心;在協助他人及表達自我的部分,也有顯著的提升。唯獨在良好的溝通能力上,或許是因為年齡較長的關係,仍有待加強。 本研究並依照上述的結論,針對台灣環境學習中心對於社區居民終身學習能力上的促進、後續研究與發展,提出各項建議。


This is a case study on the “Kakuma’s Satoyama Nature Schoo” in Kanazawa University, Japan, which promotes the key skills of lifelong learning of the “Mates of Satoyama,” the residents living in the community nearby. Through the study, I would like to probe for the achievement that the Nature School has reached to raising the key skills of lifelong learning of the mates, as well as the growth in the lifelong learning of each mate, after their participating the activities held by the Nature School. Participatory observation, field notes, in-depth interview and the literature analysis are taken as the methods in this research. The range of lifelong learning, however, is too broad to cover at one time, after further consideration and evaluation, I thus take “the key skills of lifelong learning” as the major criteria to assess the growth of each Mate of Satoyama, following with 4 sub-categorical indexes: cognition ability, learning how to learn, learning transfer, plus management of motives and emotion. The research has 6 major discoveries as following: 1. A nature center has not only the goal to promote the environmental awareness as well as the action abilities of teachers and students in campuses nearby, but also has the commitment to make contributions to the community, particularly the contribution to lift up the residents’ lifelong learning. Kakuma’s Satoyama Nature Schoo is the very establishment under this global trend. 2. Kakuma’s Satoyama Nature Schoo is the nature center of Kanazawa University as a social feedback to promote the lifelong learning of the community. The residents are empowered with leadership to plan and execute any activities concerning environmental education. Besides, through the whole process, the residents earn obvious growth in the key skills of lifelong learning. 3. In the facet of cognition, the Mates of Satoyama have gained noticeable progress in personal competence and abilities, contributing for people, as well as some other basic skills. 4. In the facet of learning how to learn, no matter the meta-cognition ability, merger of lifelong learning and personal ambition, discontent with the status quo, improving the operational procedure and process, thinking out of the status quo, as well as solving problems with creativity and imagination, the Mates of Satoyama have all made some progess. 5. In the facet of learning transfer, owing that the Nature School grants the mates with autonomy and freedom, while facing challenges, the mates would optimistically turn their abundant experiences out to be the dynamics to deal with the changing situation. 6. In the facet of management of motives and emotion, the mates are always open-minded to those brand-new knowledge or techniques, and are willing to share the latest knowledge. They also make an attempt on the project and approach of the activities concerned, moreover, they are more willing to help each other and express themselves while in discussion. Nonetheless, they generally have to improve communicating skills, which might be due to their elder age. Last, according to the findings and conclusions in the research, I have proposed some practical suggestions to Taiwan’s nature centers for promoting the key skills of lifelong learning of the community, as well as some advices for the following research in the future.




