  • 學位論文


Research on referee's rating for 2011 national Taekwondo poomsae championship for university man's and women

指導教授 : 李佳融


世界跆拳道聯盟在2006年將跆拳道品勢列為正式運動競賽項目,歷經七屆世界跆拳道品勢錦標賽,我國總計榮獲3金3銀25銅佳績,台北主辦2017年第29屆世界大學運動會,跆拳道品勢項目有望為我國爭取佳績。目的:本文旨在探討跆拳道品勢項目裁判員主觀評分決定選手勝利關鍵因素分析,本研究以2011年全國跆拳道品勢錦標賽,大專男女組84場比賽,第1、2指定品勢的正確性及表現性原始評分資料,進行5位裁判員評分一致性相關研究。方法:以肯德爾和諧系數分析檢驗裁判間的一致性,並利用皮爾森積差相關考驗選手與裁判間的相關性。結果:一致性的W值 (W= .631~W=.958) 裁判間均達顯著水準p < .05,選手最後得分與裁判給分間的相關性r值為.799~.999均達顯著水準(p <.05 )。結論:跆拳道品勢裁判員對於選手動作表現評分具有一致性,裁判員對於選手品勢動作的正確性與表現性評分具備有效的評斷能力。由相關係數得知,裁判員對選手的跆拳道品勢動作評分具高相關,表示裁判員有穩定的給分標準。


World Taekwondo Federation has listed Taekwondo Poomsae as an official sports competition since 2006. After the seventh Taekwondo Poomsae Championships, Taiwan won a total of three gold, three silver and 25 bronze medals. Taipei will hold the 29th Universiade in 2017 and the Taekwondo Poomsae event is expected to win an outstanding score. Purpose: This article will analyze how referees analyze Taekwondo poomsae as well as how the judgment of the referee will influence the contestants of the tournament. This article aims to analyze how much the referee’s projective scoring will affect the result of the competition in Taekwondo Poomsae event. In this article, samples consist of both university male and female from 84 tournaments within National Taekwondo Poomsae Championships. The article analyzes the score given by 5 referees for the first and second Taekwondo Poomsae. Method: The Kandall coefficient of concordace is used to analyze the consistency of different referees. Pearson product-movement correlation is used to analyze between referees and athletes. Result: The consistency of W coefficient shows significant difference (W=.631~W=.958, p<.05). Pearson product-movement correlation also shows significant difference. (p<.05). Conclusion: Taekwondo Poomsae referee has consistent calls for all individuals in the tournament. Both the standard of accuracy and performance made by the referee are affected judgement. From correlation coefficients, it shows that scores given by taekwondo referees are highly related to Taekwondo Poomsae actions, meaning referees are making consistent calls in the tournament.


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