  • 學位論文


Is It Dangerous Work?–The Exploration of Social Workers’ Workplace Violence Experiences in The Child and Adolescent Protection Field

指導教授 : 劉曉春


兒少保護工作礙於具有法定職務規範,以及法定時效的要求,缺乏足夠的職場暴力教育訓練與危機辨識能力,常使從事兒少保護性社工員在進行處遇時陷入多重的職場暴力風險而不自知。本研究為了再現受訪社工在兒少保護實務領域的職場暴力經驗,根據內政部兒童局頒佈之「兒童及少年保護工作流程」所載明之服務階段,透過12位受訪社工的職場暴力經驗,呈現兒少保護社工在「接案評估時期」、「緊急安置/危機處遇時期」、「中長期處遇服務時期」、「未安置個案之處遇追蹤、評估時期」等四個工作階段中呈現遭遇的職場暴力內容。 本研究發現包括兒少保護社工經驗的職場暴力類型與來源,經歷職場暴力後的個人狀況,以及實務上的對應機制等三方面,以下分述之。(一)社工員認為的職場暴力類型與來源:暴力類型依據受訪者經驗分為:身體攻擊、精神威脅行為(細分為言語威脅與心理威脅兩種),其他非人為因素造成之傷害,例如被狗追咬、交通路況、到災害區域訪視、ON CALL等。暴力來源則有:人為造成,例如:與案件有關的施暴者(個案、個案家屬、照顧者與案件關係人、其他專業人士、媒體、民意代表等)。法定傳染病、組織與法令政策因素。(二)經歷職場暴力後的個人狀態:受訪者個人狀態有:身心創傷反應、擔憂自己家人安危、想離職或轉換業務,也有人更堅信身為兒少保社工的使命,在執行兒少保護工作時義無反顧的投入。(三)社工員個人的實務對應機制:將負向經驗轉化成正向改變,調整自己的工作心態與工作方法。運用正式與非正式資源,減少自身再度遭受職場暴力機會。依據上述發現,研究者分別對個別工作者、機構、與兒少保護系統三系統提出建議。


Due to the statutory duties, norms, and the time limitations about cases processing, social workers in the field of child and adolescent protection are at risk from multiple resources as the result of lack of adequate education and training about workplace violence. In order to represent social workers’ workplace violence in the field of child and adolescent protection, the researcher according to the "children and the juvenile protection work process" enacted by the Interior Department of Children Council classifies the twelve interviewees’ workplace violence experience into four stages, They are assessment, emergency placement/crisis managing process, medium and long-term service process, and non-placement case track and evaluation process. The study has the following findings. First is about the types and sources of workplace violence. Based on their experience, types of workplace violence cover physical attacks, mental threats, and other injuries, such as dog bite, traffic accidents, visit to the disaster regions, and ON CALL situations. Sources of violence cover human-induced violence, infectious diseases, and organizations and policy factors. The second is social workers’ personal states after experiencing workplace violence. Some of them have physical and psychological trauma response, some worry about the safety of their families, some are thinking about retirement or changing work, and some are becoming more convinced to the mission of the profession and devote themselves to protecting children’s safety. The third is individual ways of responding workplace violence. Some of the respondents turn negative experiences into positive ones, and some adjust their mentality and methods of work. The aim is to reduce the opportunities and possibilities of being subject to workplace violence by using available formal and informal resources. Based on these findings, the study states some suggestions for individual workers, agencies, and juvenile protection scheme.




