  • 學位論文


A hermeneutic phenomenology study of the way to manage the romantic relationship by using smartphones

指導教授 : 鄔佩麗


本研究的目的在於了解智慧型手機對愛侶間的情感關係是否產生影響,且形成何等關係。以期了解智慧型手機在愛情關係中之地位與意義。 本研究採孫頌賢(民95)之成人依附特質量表篩選出五名研究參與者(四女,一男),其中三名為焦慮/矛盾依附風格,另兩名為安全依附風格。在未知研究參與者之愛情依附風格的狀態下,研究者訪談他/她們使用智慧型手機之愛情故事,並試圖以詮釋現象學來了解其「愛情關係」和「智慧型手機」間之關係,以「置身所在」來了解每位研究參與者在其「位置」中之愛情經驗。 本研究發現,智慧型手機在愛情關係中之地位與意義如下: 一、智慧型手機是促進彼此聯繫,亦徒增監控彼此之效果; 二、智慧型手機可提供伴侶多種溝通管道; 三、智慧型手機可增添愛情關係之話題與情趣;以及 四、在兩人約會時,使用智慧型手機會造成未使用者之不舒服的感受。 本研究針對上述研究結果作進一步之詮釋,認為智慧型手機或將促進伴侶連結,抑或將增加監控之效果。其主要影響因素為兩人之「信任」以及「渴望確知3W之頻率」。當信任較穩固且渴望確知3W訊息之頻率較低時,智慧型手機在愛情關係中之意義,則為促進伴侶連結。當信任較不穩固且渴望確知3W訊息之頻率較高時,智慧型手機在愛情關係中之意義,則為增加監控之效果。 根據上述發現,本研究最後針對心理治療之實務應用進行討論。不同依附風格者在建立「信任」關係之能力和過程不同,此部分可藉由回溯研究參與者過去與其主要照顧者之間的關係來試圖修復。另一方面,「渴望確知3W之頻率」在心理治療的立即操作上,可就外在行為來控制,降低因「關心」伴侶而演變為「監控」伴侶之行為。


The author intends to understand the impact of using smartphones on the relationship between the lovers by a hermeneutic phenomenology study. It is expected to expand the research of smartphones and romantic relationship. In this study, with the use of the Experiences in Close Relationships Scale (Sun, 2006), the author invited five participants (female 4, male 1), three with anxiety-ambivalent attachment types and two with secure attachment types. Without knowing their romantic attachment types, the author interviewed all participants about the use of smartphones for their romantic relationship. The result of this study is presented as follows: 1. The smartphone might promote the intimacy between the lovers each other or result in the monitoring situation between them ; 2. The way to use smartphone provides the lovers with multi-ways to communicate each other ; 3. The smartphone is helpful to share with the other person and also make more fun in their relationship ; 4. When the lovers met each other, one of them using smartphone will result in the other’s bad feeling. It is assumed that the smartphones might be helpful to the linking with each other or result in more monitoring situation, regarding to their trust to each other and the frequency of the eagerness for 3W issues. When they trust each other more and the frequency of the eagerness for 3W message is less, the smartphone will be helpful for the lovers to get close each other. Based on the findings above, the study also discussed possible applications in psychotherapy. Clients with different romantic attachment styles may have different interaction when it comes to the establishment of "trust". Therefore, therapists can backtrack clients’ past experiences of the relationships with their primary caregivers to repair this kind of issue. On the other hand, the frequency of eagerness for 3W might be intervened by external behaviors to decrease the need for "caring" about the lover and evolve into "monitoring" the behavior.


