  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 胡光夏


七夕做十六歲的傳統在台南已經有悠久的歷史,台南市政府從2000年起每年夏天必定會舉行盛大的民俗活動。七夕藝術節「Hello!愛情城市台南七夕嘉年華」是台南市在2010年縣市合併之後,每年暑假期間的民俗活動盛事,將原本作十六歲的民俗傳統進一步延伸,在原本的民俗活動加入「愛情城市」這個元素,讓既有的民俗活動轉型。七夕情人節、台南高密度的月老廟宇、台南地區特有的作十六歲傳統,本來就具有高知名度。然而,台南市政府將民俗節慶與傳統包裝行銷成新的一種節慶形態,就需要有效的行銷公關策略。再者,民俗活動和一般的活動不同,民俗活動講究如何有效將在地獨特的歷史文化推廣,進而帶動地方觀光產業,達到城市行銷的目的。本研究主要探討台南市政府在舉辦這項活動時所採用的公關企劃流程、宣傳工具、宣傳策略。在文獻探討的部分,包括關於民俗活動、行銷公關、城市行銷和公關企劃的討論。在研究方法方面,使用的是次級資料分析法以及深度訪談法。 本研究整理出以下幾點結論:一、民俗活動倚賴行銷公關才能有效帶動城市行銷。二、節慶活動的成效決定於其優勢、機會和大環境的因素。三、民俗活動的推展必須真實和當地歷史產業扣連。四、創意的公關企劃流程決定活動的形象口碑。五、網路科技的在民俗節慶活動的應用必須顧慮媒體記者與活動參與者對科技使用能力。六、公關團隊必須更主動加強與媒體的雙贏的互動關係。


In Tainan there is a traditional coming of age ceremony for 16 year-old children on July 7 on the lunar calendar. Since 2000 Tainan government has taken place folk activities every summer to celebrate this ceremony. After Tainan City merged with Tainan County in 2010, Magpie festival—Hello! Love city Tainan Qixi Festival was a grand folk activity during summer vacation. The element of “love city” was put into this folk festival; therefore, this tradition festival has been transformed. Magpie-valentine’s day, match-maker temple and coming of age ceremony are famous folk activities. Tainan city government packs folk festivals with traditions to become a new festival type; therefore, available marketing strategies are required to popularize this new festival. Further, folk activities are different from general ones because folk activities require effectively spreading unique history and culture for local tourist enterprise in order to reach city marketing. This research aims to explore the application of the public relations (PR) planning process, mass media, and strategies when Tainan city government takes place this folk activity. The section of literature review includes the discussions related to folk activities, marketing public relations, city marketing and public relations planning. Secondary qualitative study and in-depth interview are applied as research methods. The research findings are as follows: (1) folk activities require the helps of marketing public relations to effectively realize city marketing. (2) The performance of folk activities is determined by the factors such as advantages, opportunities and environment. (3) The promotion of folk activities needs to combine with local enterprise. (4) Inventive public relations planning process determines the image of activities. (5) The technology abilities of reporters and participants have to be considered when using web technology in folk activities. (6) Public relations team must be more active to reinforce the interaction with mass media.


羅怡幀與陳惠美(2007)。〈地方舉辦單位對於節慶活動效益與發展阻礙認知之研究-以台灣燈會為例〉。《2007 第四屆台灣地方鄉鎮觀光產業展與前瞻學術研討會論文集》。台北市:私立明傳管理學院。
江麗美譯(2003)。Noam Chomsky 著。《媒體操控》。台北:麥田。


