  • 學位論文


A Study on Tourist's Destination image, Satisfaction and Behavioral intentions: A Case Study of Matsu Islands, Taiwan

指導教授 : 朱文增


本研究目的旨在於探討至馬祖觀光旅遊之遊客的目的地意象、滿意度與行為意圖以及變項間之影響關係。本研究以量化研究作為調查方法,於 2012 年 3 月至7 月於馬祖地區進行問卷調查,抽樣方法為便利抽樣,共回收有效問卷385 份。所得資料以描述性統計、獨立樣本 t 檢定、單因子變異數分析、雪費事後比較、皮爾森積差相關及一般多元迴歸分析。研究結果發現:一、遊客以男性居多,婚姻狀況為已婚,年齡層以 40 歲以上居多,大多來自北部地區,職業為上班族,平均月收入為30,001-40,000 元。遊客的旅遊天數為三天,第一次到馬祖玩,旅遊方式為自助旅行,旅遊資訊來自網路。二、「自然與人文景觀」為目的地意象中最高分之構面,其次為「生態與特色餐飲」。旅遊滿意度的得分最高的構面為「人員服務與品質」 ,整體滿意度得分高於旅遊滿意度之平均分數 。三、部分人口背景變項與旅遊特性對目的地意象有顯著差異,部分人口背景變項與旅遊特性對旅遊滿意度有顯著差異,人口背景變項與旅遊特性對整體旅遊滿意度沒有顯著差異,部分人口背景變項與旅遊特性 對行為意圖有顯著差異 。四、目的地意象、旅遊滿意度、整體滿意度、行為意圖呈現中度至高度正向關係。 目的地意象中 對旅遊滿意度有顯著的解釋力 ,目的地意象對整體滿意度 有顯著的解釋力 ,目的地意象的對於行為意圖有顯著的解釋力。旅遊滿意度構面對於行為意圖有顯著的解釋力 ,整體滿意度對行為意圖有顯著的解釋力。本研究之結果希冀能提供連江縣政府與當地相關旅遊業者作為未來觀光行銷之參考策略。


Destination image is commonly accepted as an important aspect in successful tourism management and destination marketing. The information about a specific destination is an important means of promotion for the tourism industry and influences destination image. The objectives of this study were to investigate tourist’s destination image satisfaction and future behavior of Matsu Islands as well as to suggest ideas Matsu Islands should adopt to improve its current marketing strategy. This study adopting a questionnaire survey, 385 valid deta by using convenience sampling from March to July, 2012. Descriptive stastics, independent t-test, one-way ANOVA, Scheffé post hoc comparison, Pearson's correlation analysis, and multiple liner regression analysis were used to analyze the deta. The results follow: 1. Most of the tourist were male, came from north of Taiwan, married, above 40 years old, and mainly were salaryman, earned NT 30,001-40,000. The time they stayed below 3 days, first time visited Matsu, backpacker and got imformation about Matsu from internet. 2. Among the four destination image, scores of ''nature and historic'' was the hightest and ''ecotourism and cuisine'' was next and the ''service and quality '' was the hightest scores of satisfacton. The difference of the socio-demographic and tourim characteristics had significant difference on destination image, satisfaction and behavioral intentions. 3. Destination image, tourist satisfaction, and behavioral intentions had highly positive correlation. The findings of this study contribute to development of the marketing strategies to satisfy tourists’ needs on Matsu Islands, Taiwen.


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