  • 學位論文


An Action Research of Using Community Resources for the High School Fieldwork

指導教授 : 廖學誠


為了因應新時代的教育潮流與銜接九年一貫課程,地理教育在教學內容及教學方法上亦有重大變革,在知識方面,重視人類活動與環境系統的關聯並關注共同形塑的區域景觀,在情意方面,更要培育鄉土情懷與世界觀點。有鑑於此,95年普通高中地理科課程暫行綱要將地理實察明確訂定於其中,希望透過地理實察的教學方式,讓學生能更加認識自己家鄉的環境,並進而培養出對鄉土的情感與認同。 社區資源包含「人、事、時、地、物」等,鑑湖堂文化園區緊鄰蘭陽女中,園區內社區資源豐富,故本研究以宜蘭鑑湖堂文化園區作為地理實察教學之場域,以建構主義作為地理實察教學設計之原則,對蘭陽女中高二學生的兩個班(77人)進行多次的地理實察教學活動,並透過參與觀察、文件分析、問卷調查、焦點團體訪談等方法,評估應用社區資源進行地理實察教學的可行性及成效。研究結果如下: 一、 以建構主義教學原理進行地理實察課程設計,有助於學生自己探索、建構其對於環境的了解及知識,並有助於學生自主學習。 二、 本研究的課程設計為先分析社區資源,再由社區資源特色設計相關配合之課程。此方式的實察重點應著重於「人地互動」、「區域特色」、「地理技能實踐」、「關懷鄉土的情意目標」等項目。 三、 應用社區資源進行「多次實察」能增進學生知識與情意感受,亦有助於學生培養對社區的認同感與地方感,更可讓學校與社區之間的關係、連結、互動更為緊密。整體而言,應用社區資源進行高中地理實察教學的可行性高、成效亦佳。


In order to keep up with the current educational trend in and the Grade 1-9 Curriculum, geography education has undergone major changes in respect to teaching content and teaching methods. In terms of knowledge, the focus is laid on the relationship between human activities and the environmental system and how they shape the district landscape. In terms of affective domain, learners are expected to cultivate a stronger sense for the local culture as well as global view. With the above concerns, in the 95 curriculum guidelines in senior high school, the fieldwork teaching was clearly listed. It is hoped that through fieldwork teaching, students will be more familiar with their hometown and in turn develop an identity and sense of their own local culture. Community resources include people, events, time, places, and objects. Jian-Hu-Tang cultural garden is in close proximity to Lan-yang Girls’ Senior High School(LYGSH). The community resources in the garden are very rich. Therefore, this study was targeted at Jian-Hu-Tang cultural garden as the location of fieldwork teaching. The principle in designing the fieldwork teaching was based on constructivism. The researcher implemented several fieldwork teaching activities on two classes (77 students) in LYGSH. Through participatory observation, document analysis, questionnaire investigation, and focus group interview, the researcher tried to evaluate the practicability and effects in applying the community resources to fieldwork teaching. The research results are as follows: 1. The fieldwork teaching design which was based on structuralism can help students explore and construct their understanding and knowledge about the environment. It can also boost students’ autonomy in learning. 2. The researcher first analyzed the community resources and then designed the curriculum based on the characteristics of the resources. This method focused on “the interaction of Person and the environment”,” a region feature”,” practice the skill in geography”,” the affection target of concern hometown” ...etc.. 3. The application of community resources in multiple fieldworks can improve students’ knowledge and affective feeling, and it improves students’ cultivation of their sense and identity of their own community. It also strengthens the connection and interaction between the school and the community. As a whole, applying community resources in senior high school fieldwork teaching has high practicability and leads to good results.




