

本研究主要目的是在設計國三學生之生命教育課程,並探討該課程對國三學生生命意義感之立即性及持續性影響,綜合上述,從研究結果中,發現生命教育課程在國中階段實施的可行性,並提出具體建議,作為國內國民中學發展生命教育之參考。 本研究對象以就讀國中三年級參加技藝教育的學生,四班共136名學生為研究對象,實驗組學生68名、控制組學生68名,進行實驗性教學。 本研究採準實驗研究法,進行前測、後測與追蹤測研究。實驗組學生由筆者親自擔任生命教育課程教學,每週3節課,共18週;實驗研究期間,控制組學生不受任何處理。使用的評量工具則參考何英奇(1990)編製之「生命態度剖面圖」量表加以修正,所得之量化資料採獨立樣本單因子共變數分析(ANCOVA)進行研究假設考驗,質性資料則輔以「課程總回饋單」、「心得寫作」及深度訪談資料顯示,此生命教育課程,適合國三學生採用 本研究結果歸納如下: 一、生命教育對國三生的生命意義感具有正向的立即性影響。 二、生命教育對國三生的生命意義感提升具有持續性的影響,但在 「求意義的意志」及「生命的目的」沒有持續性的影響。 三、從實驗組學生的「課程回饋表」、「訪談記錄表」及 「心得寫作」顯示,此生命教育課程,適合國三學生採用。 四、教學者將自身生命經驗融入教學情境中,易與學生產生共鳴。 五、現階段青少年面臨人生最大的困境是重要親人的離世及生重病,其次是人際關係。 六、國三生有實施生命教育的必要性。 根據上述的研究結果,筆者提出具體建議,包括對教育行政機關、學校方面、生命教育推動者、家長、社會及未來研究等方面,以作為推動生命教育工作者及後續研究者之參考。


The main purpose of this study is to plan and implement the life education program suitable for students in junior high school as well as to explore the immediate and sustaining effects of such program on the meanings of life of the students in junior high school.Based on the results of the research,concrete suggestions are presented as a reference of developing life programs in junior high schools in Taiwan. The subjects of this study were 136 students of the ninth grade of the four vocational classes in a junior high school. They were divided into the experimental group (68 people) and the controlled group (68 people).   Pretest, posttest and follow up test of the quasi-experimental research designs were adopted. The researcher in person taught the life education program three sessions every week to the students of the experimental group for 18 weeks (54 hours); however, the students of the control group did not receive any of such instructions. Using a quasi-experimental methodology in combination with reverencing Dr. Y. C. Ho’s (1990) “Sectional drawing of attitude of life“, all individual specimen date’s factors and variables were analyzed by one way Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA). Hypotheses were also tested through analysis of semi-structural questionnaire as well as in-depth interviews. Besides, the researcher used Unit Feedback Sheet, Program Feedback Form, Interview Records and Learning Achievements of Students as assistant tools to evaluate the performance of implementing the life education program. Results of the study are concluded as follows: 1. The life education program has positive and immediate influence on students in junior high school towards the meanings of life. 2. The life education has immediate and notable influence on junior high school students' attitude toward the meaning of life.But the life education has no continuous influence on junior high school students' will to pursuit the meaning and to realize the purpose of life. 3. According to Unit Feedback Sheet, Program Feedback Form, Interview Records and Learning Achievements of Students collected from the experimental group, this life education program is effective and suitable for junior high school students. 4. Outstanding effects can be developed by integrating the instructor’s life experience in teaching activities of life education. 5. The most difficult positions in life the youths face are the passing away of their important relatives and serious illness, the next is their interpersonal relationship. 6. Having the necessity of fulfilling the life education for junior high school students. Based on the study results above, the researcher proposed specific suggestions, including to life education educators, administrative organizations in charge of education, mass media, learners, parents of students, assistance centers at schools, the society and private groups for serving as a reference for life education promoters and follow up researchers. [Keywords]life education ,for the meaning of life, junior high student, immediate influence, notable influence




