  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 林振春博士 黃光男博士


本研究旨在瞭解臺北縣中小學推展運用博物館實施社區服務學習方案之執行情形,並根據研究結果提出結論與建議。 為達上述目的編製「臺北縣中小學運用博物館實施社區服務學習方案問卷」實施問卷調查,蒐集相關資料。研究對象以臺北縣縣立中小學現任主任、組長、教師為範圍。 本研究以立意取樣方式,選取臺北縣縣立高中職、國中及小學,參與臺北縣93學年度「服務學習---我的家鄉文化寶貝」學校與博物館合作之43所學校為調查範圍,以推動服務學習的計畫執行者,包含方案統籌與執行教師、行政人員作為研究的樣本。共回收有效樣本214份,問卷可用率達85.60%,再分別以平均數、標準差、描述統計、因素分析、t檢定、單因子變異數分析、卡方考驗等統計方法對研究資料進行統計分析,主要發現如下: 一、臺北縣中小學運用博物館實施社區服務學習的執行現況尚稱良好。 二、臺北縣中小學推動本方案之教師或行政人員對運用博物館實施社區服務學習有正確認知。 三、臺北縣中小學運用博物館實施社區服務學習與課程具有高度結合。 四、「無相關經費資源及適當時間安排」乃當前運用博物館實施社區服務學習之最大困境。 五、增列經費、加強服務學習相關進修管道及協助家長及社區積極參與,以解決運用博物館實施社區服務學習的困難。 根據研究結論,提出以下建議: 一、對教育行政機關的建議 (一)運用博物館實施社區服務學習應與課程作適度的結合。 (二)提供學校充足的經費推動運用博物館實施社區服務學習。 (三)建立資訊網絡提供服務學習經驗交流的平臺。 二、對學校單位的建議 (一)結合社區資源推展運用博物館實施社區服務學習。 (二)永續推展社區服務學習活動。 (三)強化教師運用博物館實施社區服務學習知能。 三、對教師的建議 (一)應重視學生社區生活中心,使服務學習能融入各領域教學。 (二)加強運用博物館實施社區服務學習與課程結合的統整能力。 (三)激發學生服務學習動機,鼓勵學生參與。 四、對未來相關研究的建議 (一)進行質的研究 (二)擴大研究範圍 (三)擴大研究對象 (四)擴充研究領域 (五)整合研究變項


This study aims to survey the current situation of the execution of the project, “Promoting the Community Services Learning via the Use of the Museums in Taipei High and Primary Schools” and afterwards brings up conclusions and suggestions based on the results of the research. A questionnaire (see the attachment 3) was devised to collect relevant data from the subjects, including the incumbent directors, co-directors and teachers in Taipei public high and primary schools. A purposive method was applied, sampling 43 schools participating the ”My Sweet Home- Community Services Learning” project sponsored by National Youth Commission, Executive Yuan in 1993. Of all the questionnaires sent out, 214 valid copies were obtained to be evaluated. The validity was 85.60%. Data was analyzed through average mean, standard deviation, descriptive statistics, factor analysis, T test, one-way analysis of variance, Chi-square test. The following are the findings of the research: A. The current situation and execution of the project, “Promoting the Community Services Learning via the Use of the Museums in Taipei High and Primary Schools” is good. B. Teachers and faculties at schools have correct perspectives of the execution of the project, “Promoting the Community Services Learning via the Use of the Museums in Taipei High and Primary Schools.” C. The execution of combining the project, “Promoting the Community Services Learning via the Use of the Museums in Taipei High and Primary Schools” with current school curriculum is good. D. The difficulties in carrying out the project, “Promoting the Community Services Learning via the Use of the Museums in Taipei High and Primary Schools” are: the insufficient expenses and resources available, and the proper time arrangement. E. The solutions to deal with the difficulties of the project, “Promoting the Community Services Learning via the Use of the Museums in Taipei High and Primary Schools” are: to enlarge budgets, to offer more accesses to community services learning, and to encourage parents and communities/ social institutions to participate actively.


Community Services Learning museums


張譽騰 編譯(1994a)。博物館的教育功能。全球村中博物館的未來:博物館學藝文選集,pp. 79-89(譯自 Moffat, H.(1988, March). The educational functions of museum, The history and social scrence teacher (pp. 127-131)。臺北縣:稻鄉。


