  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 鄧守信 教授


本文的討論對象鎖定為現代漢語,並以O’Grady/Dobrovolsky(1988)書中基本的構詞學定義為主,探討漢語的詞在構詞學上所表現出的特徵。由「自由詞素(free morpheme)」及「黏著詞素(bound morpheme)」之定義開始,探討漢語「詞」的內部結構,界定詞素與詞,文中並涉及漢語詞彙的詞法結構類型。 其次,本文的另一個重點是探討漢語的「成詞性(wordhood)」論題。因漢語的詞素以單音節形式為主,而自由詞素又可直接成為單純詞,因此兩個自由詞素的結合既可能是詞,也可能是詞組,在缺乏形式上的特徵的情況下,往往不易判斷這樣的組合是詞還是詞組。 關於複合詞與詞組的界定,是漢語語言學上數十年來難解的學術問題,本文將檢視王力、趙元任、陸志韋等人對於漢語複合詞的研究,並試著以組合當中語義上的變化作為漢語成詞性的另一項指標,並對於如何運作這項指標加以討論。 除此之外,本文將更進一步提出詞的定義如何有助於教材的編寫及作為教師授課時的後設認知,而使這項研究能結合華語教學實務。


詞素 漢語成詞性 華語教學


The current study takes modern Mandarin as its research subject, and using the basic definitions of morphology provided in O'Grady and Dobrovolsky's book, focuses its discussion on the special characteristics of Chinese words with respect to morphology. Based on the definition of free and bound morphemes, this paper will examine the internal structure of Chinese words, define 'morpheme' and 'word', as well as touch upon the classes of morphological structure of Chinese terms. This paper will also examine the topic of Chinese wordhood. Since Chinese morphemes are mainly monosyllabic, and one free morpheme may form a word; the combination of two free morphemes can thus form either a phrase or a word. As such, it is not easy to ascertain whether this combination results in the formation of a compound word or a phrase. For several decades now, defining 'compound word' and 'phrase' has been a difficult task for linguistics studying Chinese linguistic. The current study is based on research regarding Chinese compound words carried out by Wang Li (1943), Chao Yuen-ren (1968) and Lu Zhi-wei (1957), and will analyze the change of meaning that occurs when morphemes are combined, in order to establish an index of Chinese wordhood. The methods for application of this index will also be discussed. Finally, this paper will discuss the relevance of defining the Chinese 'word', as it pertains to the composition of L2 Chinese teaching materials and teacher meta-knowledge, thus enabling this research to be integrated into the L2 Chinese classroom.


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