  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 鄧守信 萬金川


傳統的漢語語言學界,將動詞後置成分分成「補語」和「賓語」,本文所討論的動助詞是屬於「補語」範疇的,前人根據補語所表示的語義,將述補結構分成「結果補語」、「趨向補語」、「可能補語」和「狀態補語」等四種。本文在前人的文獻中發現現代漢語的動助詞可以說是來自於「結果補語」和「趨向補語」。因此在本章中整理出所謂的「結果補語」和「趨向補語」的句法和語義特徵。筆者在整理的過程中,認為不應該將動詞後置成分的一些成員歸類於「補語」這個很籠統的範疇裡。因此本文以句法和語義特徵為其標準在現代漢語的動詞後置成分中歸納出「動助詞」(verb-particle),現代漢語的動助詞在結構上是一個附著成分,必須與前面的動詞緊密結合,具有類似「單一動詞」的句法特徵。在語義方面,現代漢語的動助詞具有「移位」(motion through location)和「終點或結果」(terminus or result)的觀念。在現代漢語動詞後置成分中,具有這些特徵的是「「 上、下、起、掉、開、住、走、到、進、出 」等10個字, 但因為篇幅的限制,僅以「上、下、進、出」為例。 為了排出的教學順序,本文使用「使用頻率」(frequency count)、「結構複雜度」(formal complexity)和「語義複雜度」(semantic complexity)等3個因素,訂出現代漢語動助詞「上、下、進、出」的教學排序。


In traditional Chinese linguistics, post-verbal components are separated into complements and objects. This paper classifies verb particles as complements. Previous researchers have classified a complement depending on its meaning. Predicate complement constructions include complement of result, complement of direction, complement of potential, and complement of state. The literature review shows that past studies describe the verb particle as arising from complement of result and a complement of direction. This researcher, therefore, has organized the syntactic and semantic characteristics of complements of result and complements of direction. Further, this researcher argues that certain post-verbal components should not be classified as complements. Verb particles, based on their syntactic and semantic characteristics, should instead be classified as types of post-verbal components in modern Chinese, and the verb particle in modern Chinese, in terms of structure, is a clitic. The verb particle must be used together with the preceding verb, such that together they assume the syntactic characteristics of a single verb. In semantics, the verb particle in modern Chinese is indicative of motion through location and terminus or result. In modern Chinese, the post-verbal components that retain these properties are 上(shang4), 下(xia4), 起(qi3), 掉(diao4), 開(kai1), 住(zhu4), 走(zou3), 到(dao4), 進(jin4), and 出(chu1). Due to length restrictions, only 上(shang4), 下(xia4), 進(jin4), and 出(chu1) are analyzed. In addition, this paper contributes to Chinese language pedagogy by using frequency count, formal complexity, and semantic complexity to recommend th order in which the modern Chinese verb particles 上(shang4), 下(xia4), 進(jin4) and 出(chu1) should be taught to students.


林君穎(2001),《華語初級教材教法語法用語及語法點選擇之初探》,台北: 國立台灣師範大學碩士論文
徐芝潁(2006),《漢語動詞後置成分「好」與「到」之語法研究與教學排序》, 台北:國立台灣師範大學碩士論文


