  • 學位論文


Investigating a Taiwan TV Baseball Broadcaster’s Narrative Style

指導教授 : 何德華


棒球已在臺灣發展逾百年,棒球轉播歷史更和臺灣的政治發展環環相扣,演變至今,每每提到棒球,總是能勾起國人無數回憶。因此本論文以國內知名棒球主播徐展元進行個案研究,旨在探討棒球體育主播的評論方式是如何利用敘事的方法進行文本分析,將一場棒球比賽呈現給觀眾,以及探討徐展元的播報語言使用。 研究發現,棒球比賽就像故事一樣是具有情節的,從比賽的開始、過程與結束,各自衍伸出許多子情節,轉播者利用場上的人、事、物建構出一場精采的棒球比賽。接著討論徐展元的語言使用,剖析出兩大原因:第一是男性轉播者和棒球運動本身的陽剛性權力語言兩者有著極大的關係,第二是運動語言的語符轉換和行話的流動與創新,前者在運動轉播的環境中能夠為觀眾提供更多運動場上描述物的知識,後者則是在詞彙的使用上滿足了目的性、普遍性、熟悉性等元素,這些都能夠使讀者了解徐展元是如何透過語言這個傳播工具,將棒球賽事透過電視機傳達給觀眾。 研究最後也指出,運動播報可以結合語言學和運動學,為社會語言學提供一個很好的研究入口。在徐展元的運動播報文本中,我們透過「徐氏風格」不但了解到隱藏在這位熱血主播背後的播報熱忱,也意識到運動傳播的興衰與該項運動發展是一種相輔相成的關係


敘事分析 評論 棒球 語言使用


Baseball has been developed over a hundred years in Taiwan, the broadcast history of which is closely linked with and inseparable from the political development in country. A baseball broadcaster plays an important role in reporting the game because he can evoke memories of political history among Taiwanese people. Therefore, this research takes the well-known baseball broadcaster Chan-Yuan Hsu in Taiwan as a case study to investigate the TV broadcast narrative styles. This study found that a baseball game can be broadcast like a story because the plots, the beginning, the middle and the end of the game. Besides, a number of sub-plots can also emerge during the broadcasting. As a skillful baseball broadcaster, Hsu takes advantage of the happenings in the ball game to construct an exciting story. His skillful language use communicates effectively with his TV audience. Based on the analysis of his narrative styles, two features were found to illustrate his language use. Firstly, his masculine, authoritative language style constructs the relationship between a male broadcaster and a masculine baseball game. Second, he used code switching strategies to provide people with the knowledge of sports. His fluidity of jargon innovation enables the audience to understand the purpose, universality, and familiarly of sports vocabulary. From the textual analysis, Hsu’s enthusiastic styles in baseball broadcasting were uncovered. Finally, this study points out the importance of broadcasting in the development of sports itself. This research also provides an example of sociolinguistic studies in sports. Future research can add comparisons with other sports commentators to enrich our understanding of how sports are constructed by narratives.


language use narrative broadcast baseball


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