  • 學位論文


Water shortages during the life of the people to explore alternative water sources for water quality in Taoyuan

指導教授 : 韋煙灶


近年來桃園地區的水資源打破了供需平衡的狀態,造成各用水標的無水可用的情況,尤其是原水濁度過高造成的水質性缺水問題,更是嚴重。民眾或機關會因用水需求而尋找替代水源,但是替代水源的水質常令人堪憂。本文即以桃園地區替代水源水質的角度來探討桃園地區替代水源的使用及水質的時、空間現狀。 首先,探討民眾選用的替代水源,透過訪談及問卷整理,可發現民眾以使用地下水為主要的生活用水替代水源。爾後開始著手於替代水源水質之檢驗,採以冬、夏兩批樣點,並與個案地理區結合討論,得到以下結論: 1. 由訪談及問卷結果得知,不同個案地理區皆有其獨特的選用替代水源的方式,大多皆選擇地下水作為主要替代水源。 2. 針對替代水進行水質分析,發現在各離子皆呈現由內陸向海洋濃度漸增的情況。 3. 檢驗出的水質資料與飲用水及生活雜用水水質標準比對,發現: (1) 在桃園地區的所有替代水,除了點位16及19除外,其他皆可做為水荒時期的生活雜用水; (2) 替代水水質在EC、pH、Cl-、SO42-部分點位有偏高的態勢,而偏高點位皆集中在都會區域及沿海區域。顯示此兩區在使用替代水時,須多加注意水質是否可做為飲用水使用; 4. 探討不同個案區其替代水源是否可作分級之用,得到以下使用原則與建議: (1) 上游地區:此區替代水源水質皆適合運用在水荒時的所有生活用水(包括飲用水及生活雜用水)的使用; (2) 都會地區:桃園及八德市中心地區替代水源水質只能作為生活雜用水使用,建議在替代飲用水方面,可以以礦泉水為主。而中壢及平鎮市,除了工業區旁的區域,目前此區的水質皆可替代所有生活用水(包括飲用水及生活雜用水); (3) 下游地區:此區地下水替代水源可作為生活雜用水使用。


桃園 水荒 水質性水荒 替代水源


In recent years, Taoyuan area’s water supply and demand balance has been breaking. In particular, water turbidity is too high caused the water shortage getting more and more serious. People or organs of water demand will be to find alternative water sources, but the water quality of it often not at ease to use. In this paper, explore to Taoyuan alternative water use and water quality in time and space situation. First of all, through interviews and questionnaires found people to use groundwater as the main alternative water sources of the alternative water. After the beginning of the experiment testing the water quality of alternative water sources, mining in winter and summer of two batches of samples, and binding to discuss the case, the following conclusions: 1. The results from interviews and questionnaires that the geographical areas of different cases have their unique way of selection of alternative water sources, most of them are choosing the groundwater as major alternative water sources. 2. For an alternative water quality analysis, we found in the plasma are presented to the ocean from land-locked situation of increasing concentration. 3. Tested the water quality data and drinking water and water quality standards of living than miscellaneous water right, found that: (1) Ln the Taoyuan area of all alternative water, apart from points 16 and 19, except as may be water shortages in other periods of life miscellaneous water; (2) Alternative water quality in the EC、pH、Cl-、SO42-some points have high momentum, while the high points are concentrated in the metropolitan area and coastal areas. Show the two districts in the use of alternative water, have to pay more attention to water quality could be used as drinking water use; 4. To explore alternative water sources in different geographical areas it can be used for classification purposes, use the following principles and recommendations: (1) upstream region: This area of alternative sources of water quality are suitable for use in the water when all water (including drinking water and water Living Miscellaneous) use; (2) metropolitan areas: Taoyuan, Bade downtown areas and the water quality of alternative water sources only as a miscellaneous Living water use, it is proposed that an alternative drinking water, can be mainly water. And Chungli and Pingchen City, apart from the industrial zone adjacent to the region, the current water quality in this area can substitute for all domestic water; The downstream region: This area can be used as alternative water sources of groundwater Living miscellaneous water use.


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