  • 學位論文


The Study of Leisure Participation on Weekends of Obese Students in Junior High Schools in Taichung

指導教授 : 張少熙


摘 要 本研究旨在探討國中過重學生週末從事休閒活動之參與情形,研究者以臺中市國中學生BMI≧21.6以上之女學生與BMI≧21.5以上之男學生400名為研究對象,主要以問卷調查的方式,瞭解國中過重學生最近六個月內,週末兩天的休閒活動參與動機和休閒活動參與等情形。研究採區域便利取樣方式進行,所得資料以描述性統計、獨立樣本 t 考驗、單因子變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關等統計方法進行分析。 研究結果發現: 一、國中過重學生之現況:性別以「男生」居多,父母教育程度是「高職」 為最多;休閒活動花費時間以「2-4」小時最多;休閒活動花費在「300 元以下」佔多數。 二、不同「性別」、「父母教育程度」、「花費時間」、「活動花費」之國中過重學生,在休閒活動參與動機上「健康動機」同意度很高,顯示臺中市國中過重學生因動機的不同,其休閒活動參與動機情形有所差異。 三、不同「性別」在休閒活動參與有明顯差異;男生在活動參與的「知識 型」高於女生;而女生在「消遣型」與「運動型」的休閒活動參與項 目高於男生。顯示臺中市國中過重學生因「性別」的不同,其休閒活動參與類型亦有所差異。 四、過重男女學生在四個休閒參與動機與六種休閒活動參與類型中,以「認 知層面」和「戶外活動」類型相關最高,顯示二者之間確有相關存在。


Abstract The purpose of this study was aimed to investigate the participation in leisure activities on weekends by overweight junior high students whose BMI≧21.6 for girls and BMI≧21.5 for boys lived in Taichung. There were 400 participants in this study and they filled in questionnaires to state their participation in leisure activities and motivation of participation in leisure activities in weekend among last six months. The data were collected by accidental sampling. The data analysis was presented by descriptive statistics, T-test, one-way ANOVA, and Pearson correlation. The results were as follows: 1. The facts of the obese students in junior high: First, the male were more than the female and the level of their parents’ education was mainly vocational high school. Second, the time of their leisure activities was between 2 and 4 hours chiefly. Third, the expense of their leisure activities was below three hundred dollars. 2. Those obese students were much the same in skill motivation of the participation in leisure activities though they had different “sexes”, different “parents’ education”, different “time” and different “expense”. It showed that the obese students in Taichung had some differences in the motivation of participation of leisure activities because of their different motivations. 3. Different gender students had noticeable differences in the participation in leisure activities. The male students were much more than female students in the knowledge of leisure activities; the female students were more than male students in relaxation and sports of the participation in leisure activities. It showed that the obese students in Taichung had different kinds of participation of leisure activities because of gender. 4. Four dimensions of motivations and six types of activities were almost significantly correlated. Among them, “dimension of cognition” and “outdoor activity” were most significantly correlated.




