  • 期刊


Associatlon of Obesity and Central Obesity with the Prevalence of Hypertension-Based on the Community of Wuchl, Taiwan


本研究的目的,在於探討中老年人肥胖、中央肥胖和高血壓盛行率之間的關係。1994年4月到6月,於梧棲鎮進行之社區性慢性病篩檢,有效樣本計男性274名、女性233名。身體質量指數BMI大於或等於26.5kg/m^2定義為肥胖;腹團指數(ACI)大於或等於52,則定義為“中央型肥胖”。並以SPSS統計軟體進行資料分析。結果顯示不論性別,肥胖組、中央肥胖組之高血壓盛行率顯著高於非肥胖組、非中央肥胖組,且肥胖男性合併高血壓的比率高於女性。無論男女收縮壓和腹圍指數關係最大,但男性舒張壓和BMI關係較強。經控制年齡、高血壓家族史及糖尿病等變項後,說明BMl每增加1kg/m^2,高血壓罹患的比率在男性則增加1.2倍,女性則增加1.17倍。同時比較肥胖度及ACl對男女罹患高血壓之影響,顯示男性肥胖者罹患高血壓比率為非肥胖者的3.35倍,而女性則只有ACI進入迴歸模式,ACI 每增一單位,罹患高血壓比率則增高1.06倍。本研究顯示女性之ACl和高血壓之相關較其他因子更顯著,而男性則以全身肥胖之關係較強,本研究並認為以ACI測量的中央肥胖在流行病學上疾病的篩檢,應是一有效之指標。


The purpose of this study was to investigate the association of obesity and central obesity with the pre valence of hypertension. In the stratified multi-stage method, 507 samples (277 men, 233 women) aged 40 years or more were investigated from April to June. 1994. Statistical analysis was done with SPSS statistical software release 4.0. Chi-square tests, one limy ANOYA, Pearson's correlations and multiple logistic regression analyses were performed. The prevalence of hypertension In obese or central obese group was significantly higher than that of non-obese or non-central obese subjects in both genders. In men, abdominal circumference index (ACI) was found significant associtations with systolic pressure, and body mass index (BMI) with diastolic pressure. Whereas ACI was found higher associations with systolic and diastolic pressure, in women. Multiple logistic regression analysis revealed that ACI was more significant related to hyper tension for women, and so was obesity degree to men. Furthermore, this study showed that every 1kg/m^2 increase in body mass index (BMI) the prevalence of hypertension increased 1.2-fold in men and 1. 17-fold in women. In women the ACI-hyertension association was larger than that of the other risk factors. In men, overall obesity showed more important associated with hypertension. Study shoved t hat central obesity, as measured by the ACI, would be a useful predictor in epidemiologic screening.


