  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 張雪梅


本研究之目的主要在瞭解大學生之墮胎知識、態度與健康照護服務需求;分析比較台灣不同背景變項大學生之墮胎知識、態度與照護服務需求之差異情形;並進一步探討大學生的墮胎知識與墮胎態度的相關情形;最後探究大學生之人口統計變項、墮胎知識與墮胎態度對健康照護服務需求之預測力。 本研究採用問卷調查法,對象為全國25所大學955名學生,研究工具為「大學生的墮胎知識、態度與健康照護服務需求」問卷。問卷內容分為四個部分,第一部分為「墮胎態度」,包含:胎兒權、女性生殖自由、母胎關係、良知、胎兒道德地位階段、硬理由和軟理由等七面向;第二部分為「墮胎知識」,包含:受孕、墮胎方法、安全墮胎;和墮胎法律等四面向;第三部分為「健康照護服務需求」,包含墮胎前考慮階段、墮胎後復原階段二面向;第四部份為「個人基本資料」。調查所得資料以描述性統計、t考驗(t-test)、多變量變異數分析(MANOVA)、皮爾森積差相關分析、多元逐步回歸分析相關分析等統計方法進行分析,得到以下結論: 一、大學生對墮胎知識瞭解程度由高至低依序分別為:「墮胎法律」、「墮胎方法」、「安全墮胎」和「受孕」知識。 二、大學生對墮胎態度贊同情形由高至低依序分別為:「硬理由」、「良知」、「女性生殖自由」、「軟理由」、「母胎關係」、「胎兒權」和「胎兒道德地位階段」。 三、大學生對「墮胎前考慮階段」和「墮胎後復原階段」兩個階段的健康照護服務之需求,幾乎同等重要。 四、大學生的墮胎知識因性別、年級、學群背景、不同修習課程或聽過相關演講、家庭社經地位、男女朋友交往經驗、性經驗、聽聞大學同儕墮胎經驗之不同而有差異,但在學校所在地、學校宗教屬性、宗教信仰虔誠度、墮胎經驗等方面則未達顯著差異。 五、大學生的墮胎態度因性別、年級、學群背景、不同修習課程或聽過相關演講、學校所在地、學校宗教屬性、家庭社經地位、宗教信仰虔誠度、男女朋友交往經驗、性經驗、聽聞大學同儕墮胎經驗之不同而有差異,但不因墮胎經驗而有顯著差異。 六、大學生的墮胎知識與墮胎態度有顯著正相關。 七、大學生個人背景變項中的「墮胎經驗」和「家庭社經地位」對「整體健康照護服務需求」有預測力。 八、墮胎態度中之「硬理由」、「胎兒權」、「母胎關係」、「良知」、「胎兒道德地位階段」、「女性生殖自由」對「整體健康照護服務需求」有預測力。 本研究依據研究結論,提出對大學生、學校、教育行政主管機關及後續研究之建議。


The purpose of this study is to understand the abortion knowledge, abortion attitudes, and demands for health care services among university students in Taiwan. More specifically, the study is to analyze and compare the discrepancies existed in the abortion knowledge, abortion attitudes, and demands for health care services among Taiwanese university students with diverse background variables; investigate the relations between abortion knowledge and attitudes toward abortion of these students; and finally, explore the predictability of the students’ demographic variables, abortion knowledge and attitudes on demands for health care services. This study is conducted by means of the questionnaire survey with a sample of 955 students in 25 universities, accompanied by the instrument entitled the “Questionnaire of Undergraduate Students’ Abortion knowledge, Abortion Attitudes and Demand for Health Care Services”. The questionnaire is divided into four parts. Part One touches upon the score of attitudes toward abortion, including “fetal rights”, “female reproductive freedom”, “maternal-fetal relationship”, “conscience”, “fetal stage of moral status”, “hard reasons”, and “soft reasons”. Part Two concerns the score of abortion knowledge, including “knowledge of pregnancy”, “abortion methods”, “safe abortion”, and “abortion laws”. Part Three is relevant to the score of demand for health care services, including “abortion before the consideration stage” and “post-abortion recovery stage”. Finally, Part Four reflects the background information. With the statistical methods comprising of descriptive statistics, t-test, MANOVA, Pearson’s product moment correlation coefficient, and multiple stepwise regression, conclusions are drawn as follows: 1.The abortion knowledge as realized by university students in Taiwan ranks from “abortion laws”, “abortion methods”, “safe abortion”, to “knowledge of pregnancy”. 2.The top-ranked attitudes as agreed upon by university students in Taiwan are “hard reasons”, followed by “conscience”, “female reproductive freedom”, “soft reasons”, “maternal-fetal relationship”, “fetal rights”, and ”fetal stage of moral status”. 3.University students in Taiwan perceive the demands for health care at the “abortion before the consideration stage” as almost equally important as that at the “post-abortion recovery stage”. 4.Significant differences in university students’ abortion knowledge emerge among their genders, school years, departmental backgrounds, courses taken, or relevant lectures attended, family socioeconomic statuses, cross-gender relationships, sexual experiences, peer’s abortion experiences, instead of among school locality, school religious orientations, degrees of religious piety, as well as abortion experiences. 5.There are significant differences in university students’ attitudes toward abortion resulting from factors such as genders, school years, departmental backgrounds, courses taken or relevant lectures attended, school locality, school religious orientations, family socioeconomic statuses, degrees of religious piety, cross-gender relationships, sexual experiences, peer’s abortion experiences, rather than resulting from abortion experiences. 6.University students’ knowledge of abortion is significant positively correlated with abortion attitudes. 7.Among university students’ background variables, “abortion experiences” and “socioeconomic status” have predictability in “overall demands for health care services”. 8.Among university students’ abortion attitudes, “hard reasons”, “fetal rights”, “maternal-fetal relations”, “conscience”, “stage of the moral status of the fetus”, “women of reproductive freedom” have predictability in “overall demands for health care services”. This study offers suggestions to the university students , university and the administrative. It also gives directions for further research.


