  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 黃純敏


本研究旨在探討國中班級幹部性別分工的現況與特性,透過學生與導師的訪談,分析班級幹部分工背後潛藏的性別刻板印象,希望藉由上述現象的瞭解,來促進性別平權班級經營的實踐。本研究係採用質性研究法,運用國中班級幹部性別統計文件,以及十八位國中學生與三位導師的訪談資料分析,探討九類班級幹部(班長、副班長、風紀、學藝、體育、環保、總務、修繕與資源回收股長)性別分工的狀況。以下將依據研究結果,說明獲致的結論。 首先,從文件分析中發現,國中部分班級幹部的確呈現性別分工現象,在體育股長、修繕股長與資源回收股長方面,多數由男生擔任;而學藝股長與總務股長方面,則多數由女生擔任。其次,從學生的訪談結果分析,國中學生存在班級幹部性別分工刻板化印象,受訪者普遍認為男生適合擔任班長、風紀股長、體育股長、修繕股長與資源回收股長;而認為女生適合擔任副班長、學藝股長、環保股長與總務股長。 在分析班級幹部性別分工的特性時,發現國中班級幹部性別分工刻板化的焦點,集中在男女不同的性格特質上;而班級幹部性別分工刻板化的結果,則導致個體的優秀與才華有被忽略的現象。研究結果也顯示,國中班級導師的性別平權意識高於學生,如果導師在班級幹部分工上能注意到性別平等,對於性別平權班級經營是有助益的。雖然如此,在國中性別平權班級經營方面,研究結果也呈現仍有許多進步的空間,國中校園性別平權環境的營造,仍然有待落實。 最後,綜合本研究之發現,研究者提出對性別平權班級經營相關之建議,期望性別平等教育的理念,能在國中校園更加具體實踐。


The study aimed at understanding the present situation and characteristics of sexual division of labor in junior high school student cadres. Interviews of students and homeroom teachers were conducted and analyzed to capture gender role stereotype lay behind sexual division of labor in student cadres. And hopefully gender equity class management would be enhanced through understanding the said phenomenon. Qualitative research was adopted in this study to analyze data collected from 18 junior high school students and 3 homeroom teachers. Conclusions were as following: 1) Sexual division of labor in junior high school student cadres was found existed. Chief of physical education, chief of repairing affairs, and chief of resources recycling were found mostly taken by boys. On the other hand, chief of academic affairs and chief of general affairs were mostly taken by girls. 2) Gender role stereotype was found dominated sexual division of labor in junior high school. Boys were considered more suitable for positions like class leader, chief of class order, chief of physical education, chief of repairing affairs, and also chief of resources recycling; while girls were considered more competent for positions like vice class leader, chief of academic affairs, chief of sanitary affairs and chief of general affairs. 3) Gender role stereotype in sexual division of labor in junior high school was found focused on different traits between boys and girls. 4) Outstanding individuals were neglected due to gender role stereotype in sexual division of labor. 5) Homeroom teachers showed higher awareness of gender equity than students. 6) Improvement was needed in gender equity class management. 7) Efforts were required in building a gender equity environment on campus. Based on the findings of this study, suggestions were made to foster gender equity class management in junior high school.


方炳林(1977)。普通教學法。台北市 : 三民。
畢恆達(2004)。女性性別意識形成歷程。 通識教育季刊 ,11(1/2),111-138。


