  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 張建成


本研究以民族主義理論的觀點,探討台灣解嚴後國小社會課程民族認同轉變的背景脈絡,以及不同認同背景的師生如何詮釋現在社會領域課程的民族認同內容,這包括教師的認同立場如何再脈絡化課程的內容?學生可能受到課程與教師的哪些影響? 針對上述研究問題,本研究主要採取文獻分析法以及質性的研究方法。研究者選取北部一所小學五年級,教師認同立場完全不一樣的兩個班作為研究對象,進行為期一年的觀察及訪談研究,收集資料的範圍包括五年級社會領域的台灣史、政治制度及六年級的台灣文化以及台灣與世界的互動等上課單元。 根據資料的分析,本研究所獲得的結論如下: 壹、追求世界民族國家體制下的名份與內部政治與民族單位的一致,是解嚴後民族認同課程變動的主因。 貳、教師民族課程意識主導民族認同內容的教學實踐。 參、民族認同在教學機制的實踐中,課程制度是形塑學生認同的關鍵力量,但教師與學生仍有再脈絡化的空間: 一、教師教學實踐影響學生民族認同的建構,但有其限制或支持。 二、學生觀點的再脈絡化,讓民族認同的建構產生許多意外的結果。 三、課程制度仍是主導學生民族認同建構的關鍵力量。 根據本研究的結論,研究者提出下列建議: 壹、課程編制方面 一、修正同心圓原則,將課程的認同內容建立在台灣現狀與歷史事實的脈絡上。 二、在台灣歷史、文化的陳述上,可加入更多族群的觀點與互動關係。 三、課程可以增加台灣的新象徵與新意義。 貳、教師教學部份 一、教師應提升對民族認同教育批判的課程意識。 二、建立多元、溝通互動的教學平台。 參、未來研究建議 一、延伸民族認同研究於國中的社會領域課程、教師與學生。 二、以質性研究探討家庭教養脈絡與學生民族認同的關係。


There are four purposes in this study. First, the researcher tried to understand the reasons why the content of national identity in the national curriculum changed after the martial law ended in Taiwan; second, the researcher discussed the teaching practice of national identity between two teachers whose national identity are different from each other; third , the researcher also wanted to understand how the students constructed their identity after their teachers taught the content of national identity in social science. Finally, the researcher would make suggestions for teachers and designers of curriculum according to the conclusion of this study. The researcher applied the qualitative method in the study and chose two classes in which the teachers’ standpoints of national identity are totally different as the objects of the study. The researcher would observe the teaching practice of the national identity in the two classes and interview with teachers and students to understand their viewpoints of national identity . According to the analysis of the study, the researcher make conclusion as follows: 1. There were two reasons why the content of national identity in the national curriculum changed; first, people in Taiwan wanted the position and proper name in the national –states institution of world system; second, the government tried to make the border of political unit and that of national unit congruent. 2 The teachers’ curriculum consciousness of national identity guided the teaching practice of content of national identity in the social science. 3. The curriculum institutions are critical force for constructing students’ national identity; however, there some unexpected results during the process. Teachers’ recontextualization of teaching in national identity can influence construction of students’ national identities; however, teachers or students had rooms for their recontexualizing the content of national identity in curriculum. (1) Teachers’ practice can iflunence the the construction of students’ national identity; however, there are some limitations or supports during the teaching practice. (2)Students’ recontextualization of national identity in the social science produce some unexpected results, as far as the official teaching objects of natinal identity are concerned. (3) The curriculum institutions are critical force for constructing students’ national identity. According to the conclusions of the study, there are suggestions as follows: For curriculum designers: 1. The curriculum designers should avoid the grand narrative to introduce national history and culuture; they should adopt the content of national identity based on the historical context and real suitation in Taiwan 2. The curriculum designers may adopt more pointviews and relationships from enthic groups in Taiwan. 3. The curriculum designers may adopt the new symbol and meaning for representing Taiwan. For teachers: 1. Teachers should promote their curriculum consciousness about the teaching of national identity. 2. When doing teaching of national identity, teachers should build the open field in the classroom for all students to communicate with each other and respect and tolerate others’ opinions. For the future studies: 1. The researchers may extend the study to juinor high school to investigate the teenages’ construction of national identity. 2. The researchers may explore the recontextualization of students’ national identification in the families; how parents influce their children’s acquring the national indentity?




李登輝(1999)。台灣的主張。臺北市 : 遠流。


