  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 魯先華


本研究旨在探討臺北市公立高中教育人員對高中秘書角色期望與角色踐行知覺現況,並分析不同背景的高中教育人員,對於公立高級中學秘書角色期望與角色踐行之看法。 本研究先蒐集相關文獻,並加以分析,以溝通協調者、幕僚輔助者、計畫執行者、公關促進者、校史典藏者、創意經營者、危機管理者等七個構面為研究架構,編成「公立高級中學秘書角色期望與角色踐行調查問卷」,以問卷調查為主、訪談為輔,進行資料蒐集、分析與討論。 在問卷調查方面,調查臺北市28所公立高中,400位教育人員,對象包括校長、秘書、專職行政人員、兼行政教師及未兼行政教師,有效回收率為91%。以平均數、標準差、次數統計、獨立樣本t考驗、單因子變異數分析、Scheffé多重比較檢定等方法進行資料分析。另訪談4位曾任或現任高中校長、秘書共4人,並運用兩次全市高中秘書會議發言紀錄進行研究分析,以補問卷調查之不足。本研究主要發現如下: 一、高中教育人員均對高中秘書的角色有很高的期待,對秘書之「溝通協調」角色期望最高,而對秘書之「創意經營者」角色期望最低。 二、高中教育人員均對高中秘書角色踐行持肯定的看法,對秘書之「計畫執行者」角色踐行最肯定,對秘書之「創意經營者」角色踐行看法最低。 三、不同背景變項的高級中學教育人員在秘書的角色期望上無顯著差異。 四、不同背景變項的高級中學教育人員在知覺秘書的角色踐行上無顯著差異。 五、高中教育人員對秘書在溝通協調、公關促進、校史典藏、創意經營及危機管理者角色期望與角色踐行之間看法均有明顯差異,且角色期望大於角色踐行。 六、高中秘書的法定職掌規範並不明確,未符學校現況所需。 七、高中秘書應具備熱忱、耐心、情緒穩定、傾聽、接納、澹泊名利的人格特質,注重禮節及守密,以及文書處理素養與溝通協調的能力,並尊重行政倫理。 本研究根據上述研究發現,分別對教育行政機關、校長及秘書提出具體建議,作為高中秘書工作改進參考;此外,也對於未來的相關研究提出具體的建議。


The purpose of the study is to understand the perception of role expectation and role performance of a secretary by senior high school educators and compare its difference in socio-demographical variables. A questionnaire probing the role expectation and role performance of a secretary of a senior high school was constructed after analyzing the related literature review. Roles of the secretary such as communication coordinator, staff assistant, plan executor, school relations promoter, archives keeper,innovation manager, crisis manager served as variables in the structure of this study. Stratified random sampling was used to investigate 28 elementary schools in Taipei City and 400 educators including principals, secretaries, staffs, and teachers. Data collected was analyzed using the mean value, standard deviation, frequency distribution, t-test, one-way ANOVA, and Scheffé Method. Results of the study are as follows: 1. Educators had high expectations on the role of a secretary. Among the different roles, expectation of the role of communication coordinator was the highest and the lowest expectation of the role of innovation manager. 2. Educators had high appreciation on the roles of a secretary. Among all of the seven factors, the plan executor received the highest appreciation while the innovation manager received the lowest appreciation. 3. There were no significant differences in the perception among educators from different socio-demographical variables on general aspect or individual aspect of the role expectation. 4. There were no significant differences in the perception among educators from different socio-demographical variables on general aspect or individual aspect of the role performance. 5. The perception of educators from different socio-demographical variables on communication coordinator, school relations promoter, archives keeper, innovation manager, and crisis manager aspects of the role expectations and role performance of the secretary was significantly different. The role expectation was higher than role performance. 6. The senior high school secretary's legal duties standard is not explicit. 7. The secretary needs be patient, have a stable mood, to listen attentively, to be courteous and maintain secrecy while respecting administrative ethics. The secretary coordinates communication among all members of the school administration and the staff. Based on the above findings, this study offered some suggestions for the principal of senior high school, secretary of senior high school, department of educational administration on the improvement of secretary affairs and references for further studies.


Banton, M. P.(1965). Roles:An introduction to the study of social relations.London:Tavistock.


