  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 吳心楷博士


本研究針對在國中七年級自然與生活科技課程中「遺傳」的學習單元,分別探討不同教學取向中不同學習成就學生,進行電腦模擬軟體的學習,對概念學習過程、感受程度和對話量的差異。本研究對象共145人,分兩組教學,「教師展示教學」組72人,「學生自控操作學習」組73人,在電腦教室中兩人一組使用一台電腦。研究工具包括:遺傳學成就測驗、遺傳概念二階式診斷測驗、資訊融入教學感受問卷和電腦側錄等工具。 根據雙因子變異數分析(三次測驗 × 教學取向)的結果發現,兩組(展示組和操作組)學生在後測和延宕後測的組內表現都有進步,且達到顯著差異,但是組間比較沒有顯著差異,顯示兩種教學取向皆可使學生達到學習效益。進一步分析概念類型發現,操作組的教學取向對學生學習遺傳概念幫助較大。在後測和延宕後測中,兩組(展示組和操作組)的高成就和中成就學生都有顯著進步,展示組的低成就學生在延宕後測分數表現比後測退步,顯示展示組教學取向對低成就學生的記憶保留幫助較少。 兩組學生對資訊融入教學的感受都持有正向看法,根據雙因子變異數分析(感受程度 × 教學取向),發現兩者在學生成就表現間沒有交互作用,顯示正向的感受不一定讓學生對概念的理解較有幫助。在學生對話表現上發現,操作組比展示組專心於探究學習單上的問題,有助於概念改變;展示組的低成就學生課外話題較多,影響學習的效益。


This research focuses on the “Genetics” lesson unit of a Nature Science course in the 7th grade of the junior high school level. The student achievements in different groups with different teaching approaches are measured in the same computer simulation software comparing the differences in concept development, attitude, and dialogue analysis. There are 145 objects divided into two groups of different teaching approaches. The group with teacher demonstration has 72 students while the group with self- navigation has 73 students. A team of two students uses a computer in the computer classroom. The research tools are: A genetics achievement test, a two-tier genetics concept diagnostic test, a survey of information-integrated reaction in attitude toward teaching, and computerized recording of navigations and actions taken by the objects, etc. The results of two-coefficient variance analysis (test and teaching approach) indicate that the two groups, i.e., the teacher-demonstration group and the self-navigation group, progress well and achieve with significance difference in post test and retention test within the group. However, there is no significant difference between the two groups. This shows that the two teaching approaches enable the students to learn genetics to achieve their potential. However, in further analysis of the concept categories, the approach of self-navigation helps students more in learning genetics concepts. In the post test and retention test, the high-achieving and middle-achieving students in both groups appear to have made significant progress. The low-achieving students in the teacher-demonstration group have lower scores in the retention test than in the post test. This shows that the teacher-demonstration approach does not help the low-achieving students as much in memory retention. Both groups have positive attitude toward the teaching with information integration. The results of two-coefficient variance analysis (degree of reaction in attitude and teaching approach) indicate that there are no interactions between the two coefficients in terms of student achievements and thus show that positive reactions in attitude do not necessarily translate into understanding of concepts. In terms of the behaviors in student dialogue, it has been found that the students in the self-navigation group pay more attention to probing of the questions that are in the lesson plan and hence are better off in changing their genetics concepts. Low-achieving students in the teacher-demonstration group tend to deviate outside the lesson plan in their discussion dialogue, thus have their performance affected.


