  • 學位論文


Dasi Historic District Cultural HeritageUtilization and Development

指導教授 : 夏學理博士


自民國94年11月1日「文化資產保存法」新修正版發布施行後,國內政府機關、學者專家、民間團體對文化資產保存意識的提升與重視,益發凸顯文化資產保存議題的重要性。世界文化資產的保存維護觀念,已從單體建築的保存,演變至考量週遭環境整體保存維護,而歷史街區(即老街區)的保存與在地文化資產緊緊相連,隨著文化資產保存觀念的演變及保存論述的發展,兩者互動的軌跡在不同時代流轉,世人對於文化資產價值產生不同的認定,然而對其再生產的能量運用於文化產業及文化觀光,在地方發展上的經濟價值有著高度的認同,使文化資產保存的運用與發展之意義邁向新里程碑。在全球化的潮流的影響之下更彰顯出文化獨特性的重要,而凸顯文化獨特性則以在地文化資產最具明顯性格。 本文研究以大溪老街區文化資產的運用與發展做為研究標的,從文獻蒐集老街區的歷史沿革及街道、街屋形成及地方產業的發展脈絡,同時進一步實地訪查在地文化資產、潛力點、文化產業及文化觀光發展的現況,深入瞭解區域內重要的民俗慶典「大溪普濟堂關聖帝君聖帝遶境活動」及相關社頭發展對當地的意義及影響,並經由筆者參與該區域相關計畫執行的實地觀察,分析其內外在環境的優劣條件,再綜合對在地團體、居民、店家、大溪鎮公所等的深度訪談內容進行分析,歸納研究結論。 研究發現大溪老街區擁有全桃園縣最豐富的文化資產及觀光資源,但地方發展上仍有無法突破的瓶頸,該區域在地文化資產的運用與發展,不僅受到地方政府、鎮公所對文化資產政策推動方向的影響,也受限於地方產業的本質及在地團體、居民、店家的觀念與作法。由是之故,持續推動在地文化資產保存與發展工作,以文化資產再生產的能量賦予地方文化產業與文化觀光新的生命力,應為大溪老街區文化資產運用與發展的重要課題,也是臺灣各老街普遍存在且亟需重視的議題


Since promulgation of the amended “Cultural Heritage Preservation Act” on November 1, 2005, domestic government departments, scholars and experts, and civil organizations have paid more attention to cultural heritage preservation and highlighted the importance of issues related to cultural heritage preservation. The concept of world cultural heritage preservation has evolved from preservation of a single building to preservation and maintenance of the entire environment surrounding the heritage. Preservation of historic districts (i.e. old districts) is closely linked to preservation of local cultural heritage. With the evolution of the concept of cultural heritage preservation and development of preservation discourses, interactions between the two have flown through times. Although people have different perceptions of the value of cultural heritage, most of them highly agree with the economic value created by cultural industries and cultural tourism through regeneration. A new milestone in preservation and development of cultural heritage has thus been created. In the trend of globalization, the importance of cultural uniqueness is particularly underscored, and local cultural heritage can most demonstrate the uniqueness of a culture. The focus of this study was placed on utilization and development of cultural heritage in Dasi historic district. Data about the historic development of this historic district, formation of streets and houses, and development of local industries were collected from previous literature. Field surveys were conducted to explore the local cultural heritage, potential sites, and current development of cultural industries and cultural tourism in this district and also find out the meaning and impact of the important local ritual “The Holy Pilgrimage of Dasi Puji Temple Saintly Emperor Guan (Guan Sheng Di Jun)” and the development of communities. Through participation in execution of some local projects and field observation, the internal/external strengths and weaknesses of this district were investigated. Finally, data collected from in-depth interviews with local organizations, residents, stores, and office of the township were incorporated in the analysis to obtain conclusions. Results showed that despite possession of the most abundant cultural heritage and tourism resources in Taoyuan County, Dasi cultural district is still confronted with bottlenecks in its development. The preservation and development of local cultural heritage in this district is not only affected by the policies taken by the local government and township office but also limited by the essence of local industries and concepts of local organizations, residents, and stores. Therefore, continuous promotion of utilization and development of local cultural heritage and introduction of vitality into local cultural industries and new tourism through cultural heritage regeneration are important issues in utilization and development of the cultural heritage in Dasi historic district. These issues are also prevalent in other historic districts around Taiwan and thus deserve more attention.




