

摘要   手捏茶壺是中國傳統的製壺方式之一,然而近年來才在台灣追求手工、個性化的風潮中崛起,成為另一種風行的製壺方式,它有別於注漿、手拉坯等成型的茶壺,其特色在於造型變化是多元的,每一把都是獨一無二的。筆者平時會用自己做的茶壺泡東方美人茶和同事分享,用自己做的茶壺泡茶喝,那種感覺是很特別的,所以對茶壺的製作產生趣興。因此,本研究的目的以「手捏」方式作為個人茶壺創作方法。   本研究之研究方法分為文獻探討、製作流程研究、比較分析和深度訪談(in-depth interview)四部份,綜合上述資料對手捏茶壺的認識以增進深度與廣度,並歸納出「手捏茶壺的設計應考量之因素」以作為個人手捏茶壺創作的基礎與目標,手捏茶壺的創作內容以瓜果、竹節、枯木、水果、動物等實用的仿生壺為主。作品展示與宣傳方面,設計個人商標「湳得壺圖」與展示海報:「湳」是指「大湳」(地名),位於桃園縣八德市,筆者在這邊住了十多年,同時也在這邊學會了茶壺的製作,「湳得壺圖」是取「難得糊塗」的諧音,其延伸意涵為:人生隨遇而安,凡事足夠就好,不用汲汲於名利或事事機關算盡,期待為自己修得善緣。平時若遇不如意事時,泡壺好茶喝,笑談間忘卻人間的紛擾。   從本研究得到的心得:手捏茶壺可以將不起眼的一團土,經由手的捏塑讓它變得富有生命,甚至有趣的作品,讓觀者產生「驚嘆」的悸動,若能讓觀賞者與收藏家或使用者更能產生情感上共鳴的交流,對創作者而言,這就是一件成功的創作。因此,對一個做壺的人來講:一是他應該懂得茶,他才知道怎麼去製作一把完善的茶壺,茶與壺的關係是相輔相成。二是對自己的創作作品要經常去把玩、使用,這樣才能夠發現問題,去設計改善及提昇茶壺的功能性。三是累積失敗經驗可以讓自己成長,只要肯學肯努力就會有收穫。 關鍵字:壺、茶壺、手捏茶壺、陶藝、創作研究


茶壺 手捏茶壺 陶藝 創作研究


Abstract Hand-kneaded is one of the Chinese traditional ways of making teapots. Hand-made and characterized products are popular in Taiwan recently. That’s why Hand-kneaded teapots not only stand out in this circumstances but also lead the trend of making teapots. They are quite different from Throwing skill and Slipcasting skill for the shapes of Hand-kneaded teapots are diverse and unique. Brewing a pot of Oriental Beauty Tea and sharing it with the colleagues by using the teapot that I made are really special to me. That interests me a lot in making teapots. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to research the methods of Hand-kneaded teapots and produce my creative teapots. The four methods of the study are the literature researching, studying the processes of making teapots, comparing and analyzing the information, and in-depth interview. According to all the information, I induce the factors of making Hand-kneaded teapots, which are also the foundation and the goal of my teapot creations. My teapots are mainly shaped like fruit, bamboos, withered trees or animals. In order to advertise and exhibit my creations, I design the poster and the trade-mark “NAN DER WHO TWU”. The word “NAN” indicates the town I had lived for more than 10 years. The trade-mark “NAN DER WHO TWU” and the 4-word Chinese idiom “ Being in a muddle occasionally.” are homophones. What the idiom really means is happy is he who is content. Never try to consider everything to your advantages. Enjoying a great pot of tea and all the worries will be gone with the wind. The reflection of this study is that it is amazing that a lump of clay can be vitalized by kneading and interesting pieces of work can touch the visitors’ hearts. And if the creator can communicate with the visitors through the work, it would be a great achievement of the creator. Therefore, there are 3 significant points that the creator should keep in mind. First, the more he knows tea, the better teapot he can create because tea and pots are complements to each other. Second, the creator shall use his work frequently, and then he can easily find out the problems and solve them, so the work can be improved. The last is failure is the mother of success. As long as he is willing to try hard, he will reap the sweet harvest.


pot teapot Hand-kneaded teapot ceramic art creation research





