  • 學位論文


The Development of an On-Line Two-Tier Concept Mapping Diagnostic System for Evaluating Misconceptions in Scientific Topic: A Probe on the Knowledge Acquisition of Global Warming

指導教授 : 張國恩 宋曜廷 侯惠澤


本研究旨在整合概念構圖的特點及兩階段診斷測驗的優點,發展一套適合診斷學童科學迷思概念的線上兩階段診斷系統。 本研究樣本為臺中市某所國民小學六年級學生共32人。配合學生的先備知識,研究者選定「全球暖化」科學概念作為本研究的診斷標的。研究者首先分析國內外「全球暖化」迷思概念之相關文獻,編製成二階段測驗概念圖題組,並匯入自行開發的診斷平台後,將評量內容以互動式概念圖呈現在電腦上,發展成「線上二階段概念圖診斷測驗」。本測驗是以概念圖評量為主要方法,受測者在兩個階段中皆是利用滑鼠點選與拖曳概念選項,完成指定的概念命題。第一階段測驗是以概念構圖檢測學童對科學知識內容的既有概念,並以兩階段測驗的精神進行第二階段針對持該既有概念的理由進行探究。測驗系統將自動記錄受測者的所有答題反應,並輸出診斷報表。研究者在施測後透過半結構晤談,以驗證「線上二階段概念圖診斷測驗」能否能檢測學生對特定科學知識的迷思概念。 本研究之主要結果與發現: 一、 兩階段概念構圖診斷系統在科學迷思概念之診斷上有良好的成效。 二、 以概念構圖診斷學生的迷思概念,因概念構圖呈現視覺化的知識結構,提供學生較完整的思考脈絡與框架,增進認真答題的動機,有助學生表達心中真正的看法。以在同一概念構圖中完成多項命題的方式進行的「多對多配對」的概念構圖評量,加上選項總數多於命題總數,也降低了隨機猜測的機率。因此與傳統選擇題方式測驗相較,更能檢測出學生的迷思概念。 三、 本研究所發展之診斷工具與研究結果可提供未來小學生各種科學迷思概念之診斷,以作為教學與課程設計的參考。


The purpose of this study was to develop an online two-tier diagnostic system combined with a given concept mapping assessment instrument to diagnose young learners’ misconceptions in science. The sample for this study consisted entirely of 32 sixth graders selected from an elementary school in Taichung city, Taiwan. Before the study was conducted, the students had just taken science class on “global warming,” which was identified by the researcher as the diagnostic target. First, the researcher gathered and analyzed domestic and overseas literatures concerning the misconceptions in global warming. Second, a diagnostic mapping test on global warming was designed and refined by a number of experts in this particular field. When completed, it was then integrated into the on-line two-tier diagnostic system developed by the researcher and eventually presented online as an interactive concept mapping assessment. The subjects used mouse-click as well as drag-and-drop operations to complete the assigned propositions during both of the tiers of the test. In the first tier, the assessment detected the understanding of the subjects’ existing scientific facts; in the second tier, the researcher carefully examined and studied how the existing knowledge was acquired. After the assessment, the system recorded and reported the subjects’ responses in data grids. In addition, all of the subjects were given semi-constructed interviews on the same topic to validate the assessment. The findings were concluded as follows: 1. The “on-line two-tier concept mapping diagnostic system” effectively diagnosed misconceptions held by the pupils. 2. The “on-line two-tier concept mapping diagnostic system” showed efficiency and validity in diagnosing the misconceptions on the given scientific topic. 3. The “on-line two-tier concept mapping diagnostic system” can serve as a convenient tool for science educators to investigate students’ misconceptions.


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