  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 王秋絨


在台灣的國小學生越南籍新住民母親教養能力的轉化研究 中 文 摘 要 本研究企圖瞭解在台灣的國小學生越南籍新住民母親教養能力的轉化歷程,期能就未來我國新住民母職教育的發展方向,提出具體可行之建議,以為上級單位及後續研究之參考。因之,本研究擬達成以下的研究目的: 一、瞭解個案中就讀國小階段學生的越南籍新住民母親教養能力現況。 二、瞭解影響子女就讀國小階段的越南籍新住民母親教養能力之因素。 三、瞭解子女就讀國小階段的越南籍新住民母親教養能力之轉化歷程。 四、根據研究結果提出建議,以為規劃新住民母職教育方案之參考。 基於前述之研究目的,本研究採用質性的個案研究法,運用深度訪談及參與觀察策略對三位新住民母親之母職角色覺察,及其教養能力轉化歷程加以探究。所獲得的重要結論有九: 一、三位越南籍新住民母親在台灣的母職主要呈現出下列幾種現象:家庭地位因 先生的優勢而明顯低落、對子女的特殊疾病、身心發展及課業指導知能普遍不足,因發音及對中文深層意涵的不瞭解而產生語言溝通障礙,族群化的弱勢導致人際關係網絡較為狹隘、因社會排除而缺乏受助資源與教育資本 二、三位新住民母親的母職能力明顯受到個人因素與外在因素的影響,個人因素主要以母國教育程度、成長經驗及來台的進修情形影響較大;外在因素則以社經地位及人際關係影響較大。多重因素的加乘影響導致其經濟、文化、社會與象徵資本益形匱乏,社會階層化影響重要他人的期望,產生不同程度的教養問題 三、南、北越的文化差異暨越南與台灣的文化差異皆會影響新住民母親的教養觀,母國的教養經驗主導對子女的教養方式,也是造成夫妻教養觀的差距與文化衝突的主因,對子女的人格發展與學習成效產生重大的影響 四、新住民母親母職困境呈階段性發展,特別是於孩子剛上幼稚園、小學一年級及三年級時的關鍵期。她們於孩子剛上幼稚園及剛入小學時的經驗不足,到孩子三級時的課業指導能力益顯缺乏,暴露出亟需外界支援的教養困境 五、新住民母職調適方式從「親子教養目標」與「母職增能手段」的對應關係中,依其對文化的目標及制度化的社會規範「接受」或「拒絕」的程度,依序可分為「退縮」、「墨守形式」、「遵從」、「革新」及「反抗求新」等五種方式,由於批判能力不足,以致「革新」及「反抗求新」的能力仍嫌不足 六、新住民母職的調適方式及其因應策略,小則受到人格特質、重要事件及親友支持的影響,大則受到社會文化脈絡、支持性環境與輔導策略的交互影響 七、新住民母職調適歷程中的增能方式,主要是由「個人式增能」與「社會改革式增能」來轉化其教養能力,並透過政策脈絡與文化脈絡的運作來開展其母職能力 八、新住民母職的增能機制可藉由「擬訂教育與輔導措施」及「親職教育方案的規劃與評鑑」兩方面來推展,同時建立回饋機制持續追蹤其執行績效與改進 九、成教班因能滿足新住民識字需求故而歷久不衰,然而無法吸引新住民進階學習的主因是:缺乏強制進修及學力檢測機制、校長的支持不夠及教師專業知能與教學熱忱不足,而非缺乏進階教材 根據前述研究結論,本研究提出以下建議: 一、中央成立「台灣新住民推行委員會」專責處理處理新住民教育與輔導相關業務;設立「新住民評鑑小組」,確實督導「新住民教育及輔導相關政策」的推展,落實監督與考覈機制;廣設「新住民活動中心」,做為新住民學習與文化交流的據點 二、縣市政府宜落實政令宣導與政策執行,透過組織、策略、督導、課程及服務層面,從學校、社區、家庭來協助新住民解決母職困境,加速其母職能力的轉化 三、親職教育方案的規劃與評估為提昇新住民母職能力的有效策略,家庭、學校及社區資源的整合為必要途徑 四、著重「全語言學習」及增能取向的師資培訓,協助教師將多元文化概念融入教學中,以使新住民的母國文化皆能獲得尊重與發展 五、對後續研究的建議:研究方法、研究內容、研究參與者、研究者個人能力




A Research of Newly Migrated Vietnamese Mothers, their Abilities and Diversification Skills in Educating their Children at Elementary Level in Taiwan Abstract by Yu-Hua Huang This research attempts to perceive the development and diversification processes of newly migrated mothers to Taiwan, their abilities in educating their children who are currently studying at an elementary level in Taiwan. It attempts to seek out major contributing factors that are necessary to assist and improve newly migrated mothers in Taiwan by providing them with feasible recommendations in terms of the methodologies and cultivating directions they can utilize in educating their elementary school children in Taiwan. Therefore, this research attempts to achieve the following goals: 1、To understand individual cases of newly migrated Vietnamese mothers in Taiwan, their current situation in educating children who are currently studying at an elementary level in Taiwan. 2、To understand the contributing factors that may influence how the newly migrated Vietnamese mothers may educate their children who are currently studying at an elementary level in Taiwan. 3、To understand the contributing factors that may influence the development and diversification processes of newly migrated mothers’ abilities in educating their children who are currently studying at an elementary level in Taiwan. 4、To provide the newly migrated Vietnamese mothers with the programme recommendations for educating their children. To achieve the above-specified purposes and goals, this research utilizes qualitative analysis and case-by-case methodologies to derive feasible recommendations. In order to analyse each independent case, a series of complete research interviews and surveys have been taken out individually on each of the three newly migrated Vietnamese mothers in Taiwan. In-depth interviewing, participation and observational strategies were used to observe the characteristics of these three newly migrated mothers’ roles and responsibilities, and their development processes of educating their children. Nine major conclusions have been attained as follow: 1、This research has identified the following circumstances concerning the role and responsibility of these three newly migrated Vietnamese mothers in Taiwan. (a) They have much lower family status than their Taiwanese partner, as he is the bread earner. (b) They commonly lack the required skills and abilities in caring their children in terms of their physical and mental health, and schoolwork. (c) As non-native speakers, they frequently fail to communicate effectively due to their poor pronunciations and the lack of appropriate comprehension skills and abilities in deciphering local language implications. (d) Their interpersonal relationships with the locals are narrowing down, as they are the minority group of the mainstream population. (e) They drastically suffer from the lack of social-economic and educational support due to the fact that their presence and identity are still not commonly accepted by majority of the population. 2、Personal and external influences are the two major contributing forces that affect the role and responsibility of these three newly migrated Vietnamese mothers. As of the personal influences, they are affected by their upbringings, acquired education, own personal abilities, values and skills that they already have with them before entering the country. As of the external influences, the main affecting factors are social status and interpersonal relationship. Due to these influences, the economic, culture and social resources of the Vietnamese group in Taiwan are decreasing and becoming scarce. 3、In terms of educational levels, cultural values and social norms, there are clear discrepancies even between the North and South Vietnam, let alone the whole of Vietnam and Taiwan. The three newly migrated Vietnamese mothers are naturally influenced by these discrepancies in caring and educating their children in Taiwan. Thus, due to their differences with their Taiwanese counterpart, there exist foreseeable conflicts amongst their concept of educating their children and cultural clash. As for the children, their personal identity development and learning processes may be adversely affected these differences. 4、It is common to find the fact that newly migrated Vietnamese mothers lack the required skills and experiences in caring for their children who are either attending preschool or elementary school, and that their abilities are limited up to the third year elementary level. Due to this problem, they need constant support from the community in which they live as well as the Taiwanese population. 5、As for the known issues the newly migrated Vietnamese mothers are facing when educating their children, two ways of adjustment are found to assist them. The two ways are, the abilities to identify, determine and achieve the goals and objectives of parental education and the attainment of appropriate skills in educating her children. The acceptance and reject of these two situations may vary from person to person in terms of the level of cultural objectives and social norms. The three newly migrated Vietnamese mothers have somewhat shown their lack of appropriate skills and abilities in providing sufficient education and care to their children. They are considered to be certain behavioural substances and there are five, (1) Withdrawal, (2) Follow, (3) Obedience, (4) Reform, (5) Resist and Reform, (5)Resist. Due to the lack of acceptance of the two ways of adjustment, their ability to reform and resist is insufficient and lacking. 6、The newly migrated Vietnamese mothers may adjust themselves accordingly depending on the level of influences from their friends and families, social-cultural factors they derived in the host country and environmental and educational influences in which they operate daily. 7、 In the process of making adjustment to the host country, the newly migrated Vietnamese mothers may use the help of their personal and social reforms in turn to divert abilities in the provision of educating their children. 8、 To increase the required skills and abilities in educating their children, the newly migrated Vietnamese mothers may take advantage of the provision of educational programme development, assistance, support and policies from Taiwan government. Armed with these skills, they can advance their execution abilities and effectiveness in terms of educating their children. 9、 Studying at local educational institutes for immigrants may provide the newly migrated Vietnamese mothers with minimum language assistance, however the mandatory purpose of learning a second language is not reinforced and thus, they tend not to apply themselves to obtain such advantage. This is all due to the lack of systematic policies in reinforcing the learning process of newly migrated Vietnamese mothers, educational assessments and sufficient support from the institutes’ principle and professionalism of the teachers. According to the above research objectives, five recommendations are obtained as follow. 1、The Central Government ought to develop two associations such as, the Taiwanese Immigrant Movement Association and the Immigrant Assessing Units. These two bodies of institutions can help to push and reinforce the educational development and policies for the new immigrants and in turn to provide them with the skills and abilities to educate their children. In addition, the development of New Immigrant Activity Centre is vital to promote educational and cultural development and exchange for new immigrants. 2、The County Government ought to promote and execute appropriate political policies accordingly through systematic methods, strategies, legalized polices, support from schools, communities support, provision of learning and servicing to assist the newly migrated mothers in Taiwan in overcoming the above perceived problems and speed up their diversification recoveries. 3、 To successfully assist the newly migrated mother in Taiwan to increase their abilities and skills in educating their children, it is of paramount importance to integrate educational policies, development and assessment, families, schools and community resources. 4、 Through all language learning, procurement of professional educators, and integration of multi-cultural concept in education, new immigrants can be greatly benefitted and that their culture can be respected and developed successfully and sustainably. 5、For further future research, there exist four recommendations and they are: Research Methodologies, Research Contents, Research Participants and Researchers’ Personal Abilities and Skills.






